Thursday, December 26, 2019
Technology and Sustainable Development - 852 Words
Technology and Sustainable Development Political activist George Bernard Shaw once said, â€Å"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.†Unconventional entrepreneurs who are solving some of the world’s most intractable economic, social, and environmental problems are also creating rapidly expanding markets around the world. Because the unreasonable man doesn’t adapt to society, he is always creating innovation and expanding markets. If he simply followed society like the reasonable man, economies and markets would remain stagnant, and current problems would persist. Nothing would improve, and great minds would never be given the opportunity to shine. Therefore, innovation and progress depends on the unreasonable man and his ability to change society’s perception of entrepreneurialism. Richard Jefferson disrupted the way business was done when he saw a need for in formation sharing to benefit the greater good. He played a major role in the open source movement. Jefferson said that biological innovation in agriculture used to be cooperative for hundreds of years, but the recent explosion in the power of science to improve agriculture, medicine, health, and environment came with privatization of this knowledge that was once shared by all. He wanted to relieve restrictions from patents that constrained or hindered development and advancement ofShow MoreRelatedSustainable Development : Developing New Technologies1420 Words  | 6 PagesSustainable Development At the rate humans are living now, the wasteful ways that we live with. This is not sustainable. As we develop as a human species and as we develop new technologies, as we have been doing for the past hundreds of years, we not come to a point we are starting to see the negative effect that our unsustainable ways are effecting our ecosystem, of economic market, and our future population. Now there is a push to start producing product and creating energy in more â€Å"green†andRead MoreDevelopment of Sustainable Technologies and Their Adoption In the World Wide Industries1830 Words  | 8 PagesLast decade was dedicated to the development of sustainable technologies and their adoption in the world wide industries. The main purpose of the sustainable technologies was to protect of the environment and to decrease the harmful effect of the economy over the nature and its resources. Nowadays organizations such as European Union are forcing their members to apply to their leadin g industries more sustainable technologies. Such interference, first in the domestic policies, and the second in theRead MoreAn Appraisal of Information and Communication Technology (Ict) Resources for Sustainable Poverty Eradication and Development in Nigeria5476 Words  | 22 PagesAN APPRAISAL OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) RESOURCES FOR SUSTAINABLE POVERTY ERADICATION AND DEVELOPMENT IN NIGERIA BY OJEBISI, A. OLUGBENGA Department Of Curriculum and Instruction Studies, Federal College of Education (Sp.), Oyo. E-mail: +234-0-8035624949 An Appraisal of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Resources for Sustainable Poverty Eradication and Development in Nigeria Abstract This paper presents an appraisal ofRead MoreThe Concept Of Sustainable Development Essay1654 Words  | 7 PagesThe concept of sustainable development is generally understood in two similar but differing perspectives. 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As sustainable industry and climate change are interrelated, often the regulation and policiesRead MoreSustainable Education And Green Campus Design Creating A Marketing Value For The Universities1498 Words  | 6 PagesTOPIC: Sustainable Higher Education Development in Turkey through Participation-Empowerment of the Community and Green Campus Design Creating a Marketing Value for the Universities. Sub-topics: 1. Sustainable Architecture Definition 2. Sustainable Initiatives/Policies 3. Social Sustainability 4. Sustainable Architecture as Branding 6. Rethinking the Principles of Sustainable Higher Education 1. Sustainable Architecture Definition 1.1. Bruntland, Gro. Our common future: The world commission onRead MoreSteep Analysis821 Words  | 4 Pagesthe other 4 journals in terms of sustainability in construction. Social sustainability in construction- ‘Integrating sustainable development and public health on the island of Ireland’ (Wilde, Jane Boydell, Leslie Rugkà ¥sa, Jorun, 2006) This paper talks about the current policies that both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland practice in terms of sustainable development and health; are they working and if not, how they will be made to work? The paper begins with a quotation published inRead MoreThe Role Of Energy Development Sustainable Development Goals Essay1357 Words  | 6 PagesSUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OFORI KOFI DICKSON – P16196652 MSc. ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT ENERGY IN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS Abstract This report discusses the role of energy in sustainable development goals. The report highlights on the target set by the United Nations and the time-frame given to achieve these targets. Some of the challenges hindering sustainable development especially in the poor sections of the population and measures needed to be taken have also been identified. It concludesRead MoreMethods For Overcoming Resistance To Change In Digital Transformation In Healthcare Organizations703 Words  | 3 PagesTelemedicine Project Management Base on PMBOK for Healthcare Organizations. 6. Creating a Sustainable Development Model for Telehealth in Digital Transformation of the USA Health System to Achieve Goals in UN Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) agenda 2030 7. Impact Factors to Build Global Digital Health Based on UN Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) Agenda 2030 8. Relationship Between Leadership Culture Development and Globalization of Telehealth Services in the USA Healthcare Organizations 9. HowRead MoreChina s Drive Toward Ecological Civilization957 Words  | 4 PagesMoreover, China’s drive toward ecological civilization will have far-reaching global impacts and relevance in fundamentally resolving deep-rooted problems in environment and development. Taking improving environmental quality as our core task, we’ve put in place the most stringent environmental protection system; launched comprehensive campaigns on air, water, and soil pollution prevention and control; enhanced enforcement of laws and regulations; accelerated and deepened reforms; promoted a green
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Essay on Comparison of the Lady with the Dog and the Story...
In the story The Lady with the Dog by Chekhov is an obvious love story from the very beginning. It is known that Dmitry is a womanizer but when he first lays his eyes on Anna you can almost feel the smirk on his face of surprised happiness. It was just something a little different that he has never felt before, even though he tries to be somewhat arrogant about it. The story is very emotional and it brings a loveless, stiff marriage on both ends to life. This is nothing special, a loveless marriage seeing as lifeless marriages were very common during this time. The parents of the potential mates usually arraigned marriages and it is made out to be more of a business deal than a loving union between two people. If marriage were not put†¦show more content†¦After all of their diligent attempts to stay faithful to their significant others they decided to do things their way and lived by what they felt and not what they were taught. At the end this story is about two people find ing their soul mate in one another. Anna received her new lease on life by finding something true and honest. By living love with a man and not being forced to love him but feeling it o her own. Now you never really know if Anna leaves her husband or if Dmitry leaves his wife and children but they were able to experience something they might not ever get a chance to again. For them maybe it was worth the lying and sneaking around to be happy if just for that short period of time. In the story The Story of an Hour by Chopin we read that because Mrs. Mallard had a fragile heart, her sister was hesitant in breaking to her the bad news of her husbands death. Unlike most women who find themselves in denial after being told something of this magnitude she instantly became distraught. Once she composed herself she locked herself in her room and would let no one in. She was noticing thing outside of her window that she had never noticed before. Things that we take for granted and only appreciate when we are happy. How could this be if she just found out her husband had died? The scary and ironic thing about this story is that Mrs. Mallard went downstairs to confront her sister againShow MoreRelatedPortrait Of A Lady By Khushwant Singh Chapter Summary CBSE Class XI XII CBSE Class 11 12 Study Materials Homework Help Extra Questions1287 Words  | 6 PagesPHYSICS Thursday, 4 July 2013 Popular Posts Portrait of a Lady by Khushwant Singh - Chapter Summary The Photograph by Shirley Toulson Chapter Summary Short Synopsis A photograph descries 3 stages. In the first stage, the photograph shows the poet s mother standing at the each enjoyi... Story in a Nutshell In this story, Khushwant Singh draws a pen picture of his grand mother. He describes how he had spent his childhood Portrait of a Lady by Khushwant Singh Chapter Summary with her in the villageRead MoreSchool Lunches Government Regulations are Unhealthy for Kids and Schools 1013 Words  | 5 Pageselementary school children and 225 minutes a week for middle- and secondary-school children. (82) Nationally, only 8 percent of elementary schools and 6 percent of middle schools and high schools meet these recommendations. (83)†(French, Kaphingst, and Story). The Lets Move program, which is a part of the Healthy, Hunger-free Kids Act, encourages that kids exercise for 60 minutes a day, but the new regulations must have failed to require that schools give their kids a proper PE class period. This sedentaryRead MoreThe Representation of Females in the Media Essay2715 Words  | 11 Pagesbeing very much influenced by what they see in the media. Specifically this tend to be a very old-fashioned view that woman are delicate, fragile and sweet. Women are being dictated to, directed how to act and educated as to what a lady should be. The representation of women does differ significantly depending on the genre of the medium, and to whom the media is aimed. However, two main representations tend to occur over and over and across the board: the virginRead More Much Ado About Nothing Essay: Love Found and Conflict Resolved1972 Words  | 8 Pagesfocuses on two different relationships, formed by two pairs of lovers. The comparison between how people went about getting married back then and how they do it now is similar in some ways. Much Ado About Nothing portrays the manner in which people fall in love, the way they interact with each other and how they manage to get through the rough times without changing their love for one another. The two couples include the young ladies, who are cousins, Beatrice and Hero, and the gentlemen, Claudio and BenedickRead More Through Love and War: The Korean War Story Essay examples1758 Words  | 8 PagesThrough Love and War: The Korean War Story Freddie’s Market during the early 1950s would be the host of much gossip and change. The Corsica Cafà © would lend itself to long political debates and chats over coffee. Meanwhile, the Korean War would be blasting through the decade of the 1950s. The fashions, the fads, the prices, the music, the art, and the infamous Korean War tell the story of the decade we call the fabulous fifties. â€Å"I remember working at Freddie’s Market in Corsica, SD. I wouldRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet2666 Words  | 11 Pagesthere is a prologue which introduces us to the story, but also the theme of death in Romeo and Juliet. The phrase â€Å"death marked love†informs us of the stories climax before it has happened, this is an example of foreshadowing and dramatic irony being used by Shakespeare. In Act I, Scene I we see Sampson and Gregory armed with â€Å"swords and buckler†which would imply that they are actively looking for a fight with the Montagues. Sampson states that â€Å"a dog of the House Montague moves me†by saying thisRead MoreComparison of the Supernatural in Coleridge’s Kubla Khan and Christabel3512 Words  | 15 Pagesnaturally wild and untamed spirit of the place. The three words used in this section in a single line to describe the place, ‘savage’, ‘holy and enchanted , hint at mystical aspects and connection with religious or magic powers. In the next line a comparison is made using the word ‘as’ which associates the site with a haunted place, in this case, with a place that is visited frequently by a woman, or rather a womans spirit, which establishes the scenery as a cursed place making it an ideal settingRead MoreExplore the Way the Writer Presents the Relationship Between George and Lennie in of Mice and Men3909 Words  | 16 Pagesthe relationship between the main characters and to make the reader feel a sense of how this relationship might impact the way the novel will develop. Lennie is described using animal imagery, for example ‘the way a bear drags his paws’ from this comparison towards a bear we can learn that Lennie is an enormous person with strength of a wild animal, this hints that he may be vilest later on in the book Additionally, animals are used as a foreshadowing device, because we can see that that they areRead MoreShort Stories7213 Words  | 29 PagesMY DATE WITH GRAYBEARD by ROBIN COLLINS When I was a boy in Natal, South Africa, the farmers of the district organised a hunt each year in the Umzimkulu valley, using a hundred native beaters and their dogs. A variety of wildlife finds refuge in the valleyâ€â€monkeys, baboons and an occasional leopardâ€â€but the creature most sought after is the wily gray bushbuck. With his speed and cunning, his ferocity when wounded or cornered, he is a quarry worthy of any hunter’s gun. There was one buckRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s The Tragedy Of Macbeth2482 Words  | 10 Pagesthe most celebrated writers of the world and the brightest star in the history of literature, William Shakespeare, utilizes his ink to portray the complicity on of human through his works, with numerous of comedies and tragic dramas, using various story backgrounds, Shakespeare is able to catch the most unique gist of human beings. For example, In his drama The Tragedy of Macbeth, his love towards the beauty of humanity expressed through the multidimensional characters of Macbeth. By illustrating
Monday, December 9, 2019
The Unredeemed Captive Essay Example For Students
The Unredeemed Captive Essay Some are born literary mastermind. some achieve literary mastermind. and some have literary success push upon them. As for John Demos in his book. ‘The Unredeemed Captive’ seems to be the blend of the last two classs. Through this book. Demos takes you to the 18ThursdayCentury. to explicate the tension-ridden and violence-prone confrontation between three communities ( sections of a society ) . They are the puritan colonists of New England. the Roman-Catholic French of New France ( presently parts of Canada ) and the Native Americans. It was a curious type of confrontation fought for several types’ opportunisms. The struggles. where faith. civilization. race and territorial involvements are involved. The narrative takes barbarian bends and the reading earnestly affects the emotions of the readers! The contents of composing are a mixture of fact and fiction. The book has great historical significance. The mentioned communities so did non believe in peaceable dialogues to settle the ‘border differences. ’ They fought for territorial additions and the boundary lines continued to switch and relocate. The mini-Hitlers were out to set up their moral and racial high quality. The carnal inclinations in them surfaced Forth and they did non waver to capture ( kidnap ) immature misss belonging to the enemy cantonment. as war trophies. finally for their sexual satisfaction. John Demos is a Yale History Professor. His primary purposes and attempts in this book are to supply an nonsubjective analysis of the brushs between the mentioned ‘groups’ . He has drawn upon the experiences of one household to accomplish the aim in position. It is the John Williams household. Williams is a puritan curate. The household was captured in 1704 in their Massachusetts place by a group of Frenchmen and Native Americans. They were marched away to Canada. Of the seven members of the household his married woman died en-route. Williams and four kids were released subsequently. his girl Eunice became a convert ( forced transition? ) to Catholicism to get married a Native American. Desperate efforts were made by the household for the return of Eunice to Massachusetts. but she came for short visits merely to return back. till her decease at the age of 95. The arresting and heart-rending portion of the narrative is that of Eunice. Remember. she was merely 7 when she was capturedâ€â€what values did her capturers defend by tormenting the head of an guiltless miss kid? Religious rules? Cultural traditions? Racial high quality? Human values? Such individuals deserve to be the progeny of the Satan. She was converted to Catholicism and married off at the age of 16. for which the culprits of such a offense can confront terrible penalty in the present times. Probably that was the age when male/female married as per the societal imposts predominating so. Well. she spent the remainder of her life. but what might be the thought-currents circling and tormenting her head within? Her 88 old ages of soundless agony is hard for the printed pages to capture. the most sensitive and inventive author will non be able to examine the interior beds of her head. If person is able to make proper research on this head. it can every bit good uncover the history of the century to which she belonged in the right position. Her life is a great illustration of the acrimonious fruits of cross-cultural bloody brushs. It is the saga of the culprits of the anguish and those who were tortured. That God and fates were frequently quoted to warrant the cruel occurrence shows the macabre and sadistic mentality of the groups involved in those struggles. It was an unfastened exhibition of carnal inclinations. by the two-legged Satans .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82 , .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82 .postImageUrl , .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82 , .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82:hover , .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82:visited , .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82:active { border:0!important; } .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82:active , .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82 .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: According to Geldard EssayThe Unredeemed Captive is a consistently researched history by John Demos. To screen through the 300 twelvemonth old information ( the subsequently 1600s ) and do out a factual. historically relevant narrative is a skilled occupation. Demos has done justness to his occupation as the Professor of History. He knows the necessities of the history. the demands of a research pupil of history. The research pages do do a slow reading. and that is no mistake of the writer. The narrations subdivisions are rather absorbing. Basically. this book is written by a history adult male for the history people In the present times besides. people live perilously in the boundary line countries of a state. particularly when the neighbours are unfriendly. This is the state of affairs when civilisation has made promotion and there are international Torahs for protection. Guess. what would hold been the conditions 300 old ages ago. when might was right and jungle Torahs prevailed? John Demos describes good. with authorization and cogent evidence. the dangers of life on the American frontiers in the early yearss of settling America. when the boundary lines shifted invariably. A tough topic has been chosen for the book and the country covered is huge. One can non anticipate the book to do a good reading from page 1 to page 336. The first five chapters are really exciting ; the winging start is the high spot of the book. The narrative and the incidents related to the household of John Williams are interesting and touching. The remainder of the book is about facts. imposts and traditions. One needs to do attempts to prolong the involvement as for this part of the book. But overall. the book is no retarding force. Finally. the of import points of the book: The clang of civilizations of the diverse communities is good depicted. Through the personal calamity of a household. the political narrative of an epoch has been told. The doomed function of the faith is described good. Eunice’s rejection of her ain household is a cryptic psychological play. But Demos shows the balanced attack in composing this portion of the narrative. and does non fault entirely any party involved in the struggles. Mentions Cited: Demos. John. Book: The Unredeemed Captive. Publisher: Vintage ; Reprint edition ( March 28. 1995 ) ISBN-10: 0679759611 ISBN-13: 978-0679759614
Monday, December 2, 2019
Taoism Essays (1978 words) - Taoism, Tao, Laozi, Wu Wei,
Taoism Throughout history, Taoism has been one of the most influential religions of Eastern culture. This is certainly one of the most unique of all religions. Many Taoists, in fact, do not even consider it a religion; and in many ways it is not. Taoists make no claim that the Tao exists.1 That is what essentially separates Taoism from the rest of the world religions: there is no heated debate or battle over Taoist doctrine; there have been no crusades to spread the religion. The very essence of Taoism is quite the opposite. Taoism's uniqueness and open-endedness have allowed the religion to flourish almost undisturbed and unchanged for over two thousand years. The founder of Taoism was a man named Lao Tzu, who lived around the year 604 B.C.E. According to Chinese legend, Lao Tzu was an archivist in the imperial library at Lo Yang was known for his knowledge, although he never taught.2 When Lao Tzu left his position at the library, he went to the Chinese province of Chou. At the border, however, he was stopped and forced to write down his teachings. During this time, he wrote the Tao Te Ching, the major scripture of Taoism.3 After Lao Tzu's death, a man named Yang Chu (440-366 B.C.E.) took up his teachings.4 A naturalist and philosopher, Yang Chu believed highly in self-regard and survival as the core of human nature and direction. His ideals were personal integrity and self-protection, and said that he was unwilling to pluck one hair from his head even if all humanity were to benefit from it.5 The next influential Taoist philosopher was Chang Tzu, who lived from 350-275 B.C.E. He defined existence using Lao Tzu's teachings.6 He wrote fifty-two books in response to the Tao Te Ching, thirty-three of which still survive today.7 Using exaggeration and fantasy, he illustrated Lao Tzu's teachings and how the Tao acted in nature. His theories spoke of a cosmic unity which encompasses all reality and guides it naturally, without force, to its proper end.8 The Yin and Yang theory became part of Taoist philosophy around 300 B.C.E. when they were mentioned in the Hsi tz'u, an appendix to the I Ching.9 Yin and Yang are defined as the two forces in nature. They are often called the two "breaths" or ch'i.10 Yin is the feminine principle, representing darkness, coolness, and dampness; Yang is the masculine principle, representing brightness, warmth, and dryness.11 Neither principle is good or bad; they are not opposites, but each is needed to maintain stability in the universe.12 This belief holds that everything is defined through opposition; consequently, the virtues of balance and understanding are highly valued.13 Taoism became an official religion between 100 and 200 C.E.14 Due to competition from Buddhism, Taoists adopted many Buddhist beliefs. During this pivotal point in the religion's history, searching for self-knowledge and wisdom were replaced by searching for solutions to sorrows and other physical problems.15 Alchemy and superstition became highly popular during this period of time, as Taoists tried to escape reality rather than to control the artificial and unnatural. Many Taoists used magic and the concept of Tao to try to extend the physical life rather than to focus on the afterlife.16 Gradually the religion becomes more complicated, with a wide pantheon of gods and a ruling hierarchy.17 The leader Chang Ling took the title "Heavenly Teacher" in 200 C.E. He created a dynasty of high priests who manipulated Taoism to support a superstitious doctrine of magic and mysticism.18 Seizing higher power as a religious leader, he pioneered a merging of Taoism and Zoroastrianism into a system called Five Bushels of Rice Taoism. Eventually this developed into a society based on Mazdaism, a Zoroastrian sect, where every believer was charged five bushels of rice.19 Although the believers followed the basic Zoroastrian worship format, they worshipped different gods: the Tao instead of Ahura-Mazda, and the various Chinese folk gods in place of the Persian Angels.20 Three hundred years later, the philosopher Honen moved away from Mazdaism and combined Taoism with Buddhism. This simplified religion he created became known as the Pure Land School, or Amidaism. Gradually, however, Taoism again became tied to magic, and it failed as a religion.21 Today, only its original philosophies survive and there are very few followers of Taoism, mostly found in Taiwan.22 Although Taoism's religious practices deteriorated with advancing Western influence, its philosophical aspects have outlasted those of Confucianism and Zen Buddhism.23 For centuries, Taoism has been known as the Way of Harmony.24 This is because Taoists believe that the Tao leads all nature toward a natural balance. The Tao, however, is not considered to be
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Where I Stand
There is â€Å"a price to be paid,†as the clichà © goes; the best things in life aren’t for free. However, most people would debate the merit of this old saying. Whether you are buying yourself a suitable lifestyle, or considering matters of the heart, a price just may be paid even if the payment isn’t a dollar amount. Some people may think the best things in life are material possessions, but every person knows they come with a price. Sometimes this price can be very high. One may spend every penny he owns on collecting wonderful ornaments for his home, and realize that his efforts were in vain for he has no one to share them with. Or, perhaps, he finds himself in debt so far that there is no possible way to get out. Many people suffer from debt. Though it is safe to say many more people have suffered a broken heart. You cannot buy love, although several have tried, but a high price is paid for it. Women and men alike pay for their children’s lives either to spend their life working to have the means to raise them, or to sacrifice dreams they had in order to raise them. Women and men also pay for romance in way much like that of having children. Maybe they sacrifice dreams of careers, or a matching mate, no matter what the sacrifice is; they must pay for something that they want. Jennifer Lopez sang a song titled â€Å"My Love Don’t Cost a Thing†. In her music video, she portrays a woman who receives many expensive gifts from her lover because he is too busy to spend time with her. The contradiction is that her love does cost something. He has a career that consumes much of his free time and, in order to keep her he has to sacrifice his job. While it may seem pessimistic, nothing in this world is free of charge.... Free Essays on Where I Stand Free Essays on Where I Stand There is â€Å"a price to be paid,†as the clichà © goes; the best things in life aren’t for free. However, most people would debate the merit of this old saying. Whether you are buying yourself a suitable lifestyle, or considering matters of the heart, a price just may be paid even if the payment isn’t a dollar amount. Some people may think the best things in life are material possessions, but every person knows they come with a price. Sometimes this price can be very high. One may spend every penny he owns on collecting wonderful ornaments for his home, and realize that his efforts were in vain for he has no one to share them with. Or, perhaps, he finds himself in debt so far that there is no possible way to get out. Many people suffer from debt. Though it is safe to say many more people have suffered a broken heart. You cannot buy love, although several have tried, but a high price is paid for it. Women and men alike pay for their children’s lives either to spend their life working to have the means to raise them, or to sacrifice dreams they had in order to raise them. Women and men also pay for romance in way much like that of having children. Maybe they sacrifice dreams of careers, or a matching mate, no matter what the sacrifice is; they must pay for something that they want. Jennifer Lopez sang a song titled â€Å"My Love Don’t Cost a Thing†. In her music video, she portrays a woman who receives many expensive gifts from her lover because he is too busy to spend time with her. The contradiction is that her love does cost something. He has a career that consumes much of his free time and, in order to keep her he has to sacrifice his job. While it may seem pessimistic, nothing in this world is free of charge....
Saturday, November 23, 2019
A Guide to Installing Microsoft Access 2010
A Guide to Installing Microsoft Access 2010 Due to its widespread availability and flexible functionality, Microsoft Access 2010 is still a popular database software in use today. Access 2010 introduced a version of the ACCDB file format that supported SharePoint, which allowed support for the Mac through a browser for the first time. New in Access 2010 was the Backstage view through which you can access all the commands for an entire database. The ribbon and navigation pane, which was introduced in Access 2007, is in Access 2010. Benefits of Access 2010 Enhanced securityImproved spell checkerSharePoint supportNew user interfaceImproved data presentation How to Install Access 2010 The Access installation process is straightforward. Verify that your system meets the basic requirements for Access. Youll need at least a 500 MHz or faster processor with 256MB of RAM. Youll also need at least 3GB of free hard disk space.Ensure that your operating system is up to date. Youll need Windows XP SP3 or later to run Access 2010. Its a good idea to apply all security updates and hotfixes to your system before installing Access.Insert the Office CD into your CD-ROM drive. The installation process begins automatically and asks you to wait while the system prepares the Installation Wizard.The next step of the process prompts you to enter your product key and accept the terms of the license agreement.If youd like to install the entire Office suite or youre using an Access-only CD, you can choose Install Now on the next screen. If you want to customize your installation, click Customize instead.When the installation completes, you may be prompted to restart your computer. Go ahead and do so. After you install Access 2010, visit the Microsoft website for video tutorials on the software.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Analetical paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Analetical paper - Essay Example Additionally, this analytical essay aims at weighing both the strengths and faultiness of such policies in terms of ensuring that immigrants are under a proper health care from the government. In this aspect, the paper intends to analyze the various techniques the government is using to serve such persons. For example, the use of appropriate language in addressing the immigrants i.e. by using translators, equality of service in all health care facilities to enhance both race relations and patriotism. Furthermore, these health care services should aim at upholding the respective culture of immigrants. The government should also seek the opinion of immigrants about the health care services they offer and respond timely to their feedbacks (Simich, 2009). In as much as the government is investing significantly in the health care system thus positively affecting the lives of its citizens, their efforts often end up unnoticed in certain groups within the country’s population, especially among the marginalized. Marginalized groups consist of individuals who are underprivileged in the society such as African-Americans and immigrants. Marginalization, therefore, is the process of exclusion, prevention, or even ignoring certain persons from attaining equal education, finding a job, enjoying social services such as housing and health care privileges, and integrating as equal members of the society. This discrimination is always done on an economic or political perspective to render such persons powerless before the state (Barusch, 2008). On this aspect, marginalized groups are people affected by the marginalization situation, in terms services and unequal representation in the society. Thus, in our case, I have decided to critically, analyze immigrants, in America and the health care services they receive from the government. Several reasons lie behind the situation faced by immigrants. For instance,
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Research paper feelings repression through sex and other addictions
Feelings repression through sex and other addictions based on the love in the time of cholera. character analysis - Research Paper Example This particular work of Marquez has been declared an eccentric love story where the lovers unite at the end of novel around 51 years and 9 months later when they are in the last stage of their life. Florentino Ariza, the main character, has been portrayed as an obsessive lover who vows to stay faithful to Fermina Daza but indulges into a spree of sexual encounters with hundreds of women. This paper aims at proving that Florentino’s countless affairs were an escape route and his method of suppressing the repressed feelings and void that he felt after being rejected by Fermina. Love in the Time of Cholera’s story revolves around the couple Florentino Ariza and Fermina Daza who fall in love during their early teens but eventually get separated because Fermina choses to marry a more suitable match Dr. Juvenal Urbino (Pelayo 135). The backdrop of the setting and location has been kept a mystery in the novel and the only aspect that is revealed is that the country is plagued by Cholera. In this way, the author has compared love to a disease that like any other illness can have a drastic impact on an individual if the feelings are not welcomed and respected. Florentino Ariza can be easily categorized as a hypocrite and a liar since he vows for â€Å"eternal fidelity and everlasting love†to Fermina despite his countless affairs but actually he is a heart-broken man who sought to mend his heart through love (Marquez 50). Sex, in this novel, is not used in its erotic concept but symbolizes a medicine which Florentino used to overcome his pain that Fermina’s rejection and eventual marriage caused to him. It is the struggle to eliminate the feelings of void, loneliness, loss and pain that overcome the otherwise faithful and devoted personality of Florentino (Fahy 23). The treatment of love as a disease becomes clear when Florentino falls in love with Fermina and the symptoms of both the disease and love match. â€Å"His examination revealed th at he had no fever, no pain anywhere, and that his only concrete feeling was an urgent desire to die†and these were declared as†so much as the devastation of cholera†(Marquez 62). Here the term devastation is important to acknowledge since at another point later in the novel, Florentino states that he and Fermina fell into â€Å"devastating love†(Marquez 68). This shows the author’s intention of presenting love as a form of plague or disease which if not treated timely can produce unfavorable results or compel a person to behave in a drastic manner. When Marquez compares love with cholera, he attempted to present sex and addiction to love as a cure or healing mechanism for Florentino due to which he was able to survive (Koenig 131). Getting involved with other women was his way of taking refuge from the otherwise painful scenario where his love Fermina was enjoying a blissful married life with her husband while he had to suffer in solitude. The no vel Love in the Time of Cholera is set in an era when cholera was actually a â€Å"devastating disease that had no regard for color and background†(Panisset 125). Therefore, the similarity shared by love and a disease like cholera is explicitly narrated by Marquez. Just like Urbino was trying to find the cure for cholera in the same way Florentino’s obsession towards women shows his search for the cure of his heartache. Florentino is a character who is deeply in love with Ferm
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Art Essay Example for Free
Art Essay * Art is a term that describes a diverse range of human activities and the products of those activities, but here refers to the visual arts, which cover the creation of images or objects in fields including paintings, sculpture, printmaking, photography, and other visual media. They are two paintings that have been drawn by Dmitry Levitzky in 1773 and by Millais in 1871. The first portrait by Dmitry levitzky is called Nelidova, Ekaterina Ivanovna who she is the daughter of Lieutenant Ivan Dmitrievich Nelidov. She was raised in the Smolny Institute for Young Ladies and was noticed there by Empress Catherine II, who made her a maid of honor to the Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna, later Empress, whose husband Emperor Pavel I. She was sincerely attached to him, although their relations were never intimate. She was able to influence Pavel I, preventing some of his unwise decisions and tantrums. She was also a close friend of the Empress Maria Feodorovna. The second portrait by John Everett Millais is called The Martyr of Solway the â€Å"Margaret†depicted by Millais was Margaret Wilson, who was born in 1667 in Glenvernoch in Wigtownshire. She was a young and devout Presbyterian who was a member of the Covenanters, a Scottish Presbyterian movement of the 17th century in Scotland who signed the National Covenant in 1638 to confirm their opposition to the interference by the Stuart kings in the affairs of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland. The Stuart kings embraced the belief of the Divine Right of the Monarch. However, not only did they believe that God wished them to be the infallible rulers of their kingdom – they also believed that they were the spiritual heads of the Church of Scotland. This latter belief was anathema to the Scots. Their belief was quite simple – no man, not even a king, could be spiritual head of their church. The following piece will demonstrate the differences and similarities between the two images in a compare and a contrast manner. Analyze the fundamental differences. Point out the major mutual points.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Human Rights Violations Essay -- Human Rights Essays
Throughout history, people’s human rights have been violated, but efforts have also been made to address the violations, and protect their rights. Human rights are rights as regarded belonging to all people. Today we are all entitled to the same rights. In a sense, we are all equal.      Human rights are rights and liberties that are guaranteed to everyone at birth. On December 10th 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It was made for every living human in this world to follow and obey. These rights originated after World War II because they don’t want such inhumanity event to ever occur again. So by the world agreeing to this declaration it is almost sure the lives of so many people isn’t to be lost again for unnecessa,ry reasons. The main purpose of these rights are to enforce balanced rights of all people. Making sure that all humans have the right o freedom, justice, and peace in the world. It also says that everyone has the right to nationality, religion, and his or her own opinion [Document 1]. Despite the holocaust, abuses of human rights have continued in the post-World War 2 era.      One of the major abuses of Human Rights in the World War II era was the Apartheid in South Africa. After South Africa won its independence from Great Britain, the Afrikaner Nationalist party gained a whites only parliament. The nationalists set up a system of ...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Supply and Demand
Automotive Industry Supply and Demand Katharyn E. Moore Supply and Demand The automobile industry has certainly have seen fluctuations in supply and demand, especially in the last decade. The economic turmoil of the United States has only been one factor in supply and demand of vehicles. This is evident with employment and income of consumers, interest rates, gas prices and the consumers need for more efficient cars. The demand for more fuel-efficient transportation increases as gas prices rise and the supply for fuel-efficient cars also rises. Manufacturers will increase the supply of fuel-efficient cars to meet the demand. If the prices of these cars are more than what the consumer is willing to pay, the demand will decrease and inventory of these cars will increase. A decrease in price of the fuel-efficient care will cause the demand to increase and the manufacturer to increase supply at the price the consumer is willing to pay. Equilibrium is the supply and demand of fuel-efficient cars will meet at a price that the consumer is willing to pay and the price the manufacture will charge for the car (Colander, 2011). The resources needed for the industry whether it is employees, raw materials, financial and technology affect supply and demand in the automotive industry. These resources are needed to facilitate the making of vehicles and their supply either abundant or scarce will affect the industry. The unavailability of steel in manufacturing of fabricated metal product decreases the ability to supply the framework for a vehicle will decrease (Gross output by Industry, 2010). The manufacturer will have to decrease the supply. The limited availability will increase prices of metal and decreases demand for the product at a higher price. If the demand for cars is high, the manufacturer will have to pay the higher cost and forward that increase on to the consumer increasing the price of the car. The consumer may not want the higher cost car and demand for the car will decrease a factor in moving the supply and demand curves of cars. Alternatives in the automobile industry are ongoing as manufacturers are introducing more fuel-efficient cars as well as biofuel (e85) and electric cars. New technology and consumer preference of these alternatives will affect the supply and demand of vehicles. Consumer preference to a more ecological friendly vehicle increases demand and encourages supply increases from the manufacturer. Consumers have the opportunity to help the environment and decrease the usage for gas when renting a vehicle. Enterprise has added electric cars to their rental fleet along with hybrids and fuel-efficient vehicles (Finance News, 2011). The shift in demand for these vehicles will change the demand curve of alternative vehicles. Consumers are the important factor in supply and demand in the automobile industry. Our decisions of a fuel-efficient vehicle and the price we are willing to pay for these vehicles influence the supply and demand. We have choices as consumers, and these choices influence competition, pricing, and demand of vehicles available for purchase. The supplier will act accordingly to these demands and make available the supply of product the consumer wants. The demand for vehicles is dependent on pricing, new technology, fuel efficiency, alternative fuels and competition (Colander, 2011). These decisions will increase or decrease the supply and demand curves with these choices. With all of these and other factors the supply and demand curve will increase and decrease as the market changes with these influences. Supply and demand will always be changing as we choose to purchase products and services that we need for our psychological and physiological needs. References Colander (2011). Introduction into Macroeconomics. Macroeconomics (7th Ed. ), Chapter Four, United States: McGraw-Hill-Create. Finance News. (2011, October 27). Enterprise Rent-a-Car expands electric vehicle fleet. Retrieved October 30, 2011, from Yahoo. com website: http://finance. yahoo. com Gross output by Industry. (2010, December 14). Retrieved October 28, 2011, from Bureau of Economic Analysis website: http://www. bea. gov U. S. International Trade in goods and services. (2011, October 13). Retrieved October 28, 2011, from U. S. Census Bureau – Economic Analysis News website: http://www. bea. gov
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Business Law Enron/WorldCom Essay
1. Introduction The goal of a large number of criminal acts is to obtain as much as profit for the individual or group that carries out the act. Just like bribery or robbery, accounting scandals that shock telecommunications industry within the past two years, also have similar intention that is to make money to benefit a person or a group of people through illegal acts while disguising their illegal origin. Concerning the accounting scandals in Enron, in this paper, we will elaborate the story of Enron and World Com scandals discussing how the company’s situation relates to bankruptcy, insurance, and/or employment law. 2. Accounting Scandals Enron, Global-Crossing, and WorldCom recent cases have become a history in finance and telecommunication areas. The history tells us how fragile the monitoring process of the company’s financial system is. The situation leads to accountancy scandals that hurt investors, employees, and the industries. In many reports on Houston Chronicle, we can conclude that the case of Enron emerged as the company and its auditor cooked up the books to show bogus profits. This is done so to attract the public so that they are interested to invest their money during the company’s initial public offering (IPO).  Previously, the company has already performed manipulation of commodity prices in order to obtain huge profits due to unregulated energy derivative market. Moreover, the bankers also join this bogey as they have been giving loans and would like to reduce their risk hoping that Enron would obtain much money from IPO so that Enron can fulfill their obligation to the bank. Therefore, in this accountancy scandals there are at least three actors: the first is Enron, the company that has a pile of debt that was off balance sheet. The second actors are auditors; they acted as consultants that helped the Enron to write a fake figure of the company’s profit in the book. The third actors are bankers that issued good analyst reports for Enron financial performance and acted as underwriter. By doing so, Enron can raise much money to pay their loans to banks and back to the evil business when Enron run out of money again. Amazingly, within three years, the fake report gives Enron over $10 billion of investors’ money. The illegal action like cases of MicroStrategy and Xerox has caused the declining public trust on stock markets and auditors (AFL-CIO, 2007; Turner, 2002). 3. Bankruptcy and Insurance The case of Enron, WorldCom and other accounting scandals still leave public with many questions regarding the way the companies try to recover from the scandals especially when it comes to fair treatment for the hurt employees. The term â€Å"fair†refers to equal treatment for CEO and their workers. Remember the shocking Enron case a few months ago that many of people fail to recognize what went wrong at Enron, an energy-trading giant and once the seventh-largest company in U.S. The lawsuits and official investigations on Enron show that the bankruptcy has sent more than 6,100 of Enron employees into unemployment. In addition, it also causes serious fault at workers’ health care and retirement savingsâ€â€for many, their life savingsâ€â€because worker 401(k) plans were halted while the company stock price tumbled (AFL-CIO, 2007). Although the company’s performance went bankrupt, however, the Enron’s executive still obtain bonus checks for more than $55 million, in addition to $50 million in bonuses just weeks earlier. The Enron’s case is one example of increasing â€Å"pay gap†between CEOs and workers (AFL-CIO, 2007). Moreover, she also points out that the Project 911 turned out to give many benefits for Enron’s management instead of giving benefits for workers. In the Project 911, Enron was to pay the company’s executives $105 million worth of bonuses prior to the company’s bankruptcy filing in December 2001 (Steffy, 2005). However, according to the new bankruptcy law, which President Bush signed in April, a company might give their executives excessive compensation in the form of retention bonuses only if they have another job offer. It means that under new law, executives will not be paid to stay until they show proof they intend to leave (Steffy, 2005) The new law had driven the bankruptcy court to approve $38.2 million in additional retention bonuses in 2002 and another $29 million in 2003. The situation soon raises critics since the come with an inherent paradox. At the management level, the company took questioned decision to reward the very few people who drove the company into collapse. In other words, Enron was enticing a failed management to stay (Steffy, 2005). This situation refers to moral crisis since the company was paying attention to bonuses for the company’s executives instead of taking care of their employees. Although the case of Enron has become symbol of wrong model of corporate America, few observers expect it to become a lasting symbol (Ivanovich, 2002). In short, the first thing American companies should do is providing variable compensation scheme in which employees’ benefits will increase as the companies’ benefits increase as well. Therefore, employees will fee fairly treated and in turn increase their motivation. 4. Employment Law The cases on Enron and WorldCom present new atmosphere regarding the employment law since it involves whistle blower, a person who disclose the scandals. Since whistle blowing leads to negative impact for the blower, it is imperative that any person that intends to whistle blowing to do it effectively. Sherron Watkins, the person who discloses the scandals at Enron, is one example of whistle blower. In addition, whistle- blowing also greatly affects the executives of a company who are given information from an employee. In order to protect the whistle blower, Sarbanes-Oxley Act rule out there should be no discrimination against employees who disclose the wrongdoing in a company (Hails, n.d.). Amidst the fierce situation at Enron, Congress is still busy passing new laws in response to the latest news about corporate misdeeds. In fact, this is really not the best solution to the problem of corporate fraud at Enron.  Considering that whistle blowing leads to negative impact for the blower as it happens at Enron case, it is imperative that any person that intends to whistle blowing to do it effectively. Below is guideline that helps an employee to determine whether a situation merits whistle blowing: a) Magnitude of consequences A person intends to conduct whistle blowing consider the impact of a action that he consider as wrongdoing. If only one person will be harmed by an action, it does not call for any whistle blowing action (England, 2007) b) Probability of effect The person must be sure that a wrongdoing happens or will happen that requires for whistle blowing. If he is not sure about the situation, he had better not perform whistle blowing (England, 2007) c) Temporal immediacy The person must think the urgency to whistle blowing. If he considers it is urgent to prevent greater losses, he can conduct whistle blowing immediately (England, 2007) In addition, lots of accounting scandals incidences have driven NYSE to issue new guidelines intended to enhance the accountability and integrity and of NYSE-listed companies by strengthening the corporate governance and disclosure practices of those companies. Harvey Pitt, SEC chairperson, the person behind the birth of the guidelines, asks NYSE to review its corporate governance listing standards. Based on the facts, since most scandals involve insider, therefore senior managers should personally liable for criminal charges and damages. Concerning this issue, congress also has passed the Sarbanes Corporate Accountability Bill that one of its main provisions includes the fact that the chief executive officer and chief financial officer now have to sign off on a company’s financial records and may assume criminal liability if they are wrong. Under such circumstances, in the event that such scandals exist, investors and employees should not bear the responsibility for their own actions. This is because in this developed economy, people from all over the world have been willing to invest in ‘pieces of paper’ because of a basic trust that there are systems in place to make the ‘pieces of paper’ valuable. Therefore, it is the government’s responsibility to maintain people trust to invest in a piece of paper by providing an oversight system that works to protect the investor. Learning from these events, it is government’s responsibility to improve standards, controls and accountabilities. While companies should improve their employees moral in order to prevent any financial scandals in the future. This is imperative since most business schools lack of morality in their curriculum.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Bioreactor landfills Essay Example
Bioreactor landfills Essay Example Bioreactor landfills Paper Bioreactor landfills Paper Introduction – Waste management has been one of the most important problems of the 20th century world. As the population grows, so does the waste (domestic and industrial) that goes along with it. With every used commodity there is a resulting trash that needs to be dumped in a place that is designed to process these wastes properly. The world has gone a long way, from the North American dumpsites during 6500 BC to the creation of Destructor in 1847, from efforts to recycle and to incinerate; in every turn of the year or century, people keep finding solutions as the world keep finding new problems stemming from waste management. In the age of landfills, the bioreactor landfill appears to some as the next best things since the popularization of the Three Rs, while to some, it is just another effort that will not directly answer the problems of waste management and add to the growing danger posed on public health and environmental sustainability. What is a bioreactor landfill? – The term bioreactor landfill may sound overly technical and highly scientific to an average individual, but the truth is a bioreactor landfill is simply an area where trash and other waste materials are dumped. The only difference it has from an ordinary dumpsite is that inside a bioreactor landfill, the trash and waste dumped there still undergoes scientific processes that transforms it into something that humans can use again, in the processes keeping the earth from ending up as one big dumpsite and maximizing the potentials found in garbage and trash. There are bioreactor landfills that are aerobic – meaning they rely on the presence of air to assist the process of decomposition. There are also anaerobic bioreactor landfills, which is characterized by the absence of the role of air in the process of biodegradation. Hybrid bioreactor landfills utilize both aerobic and anaerobic methods. The idea of a bioreactor landfill was designed specifically to perform a specific task and a set of operation. Despite the fact that there are different types of configurations that characterizes a particular bioreactor landfill, the bioreactor landfill in general accomplishes similar functions and performs a similar role in the society regardless of its current location. But the differences in configuration among the different bioreactor landfill allows for a little diversification on the details of its performance and operation, which will be discussed in detail as the paper progresses, focusing on one particular configuration type of a bioreactor landfill to the next. How they work – The operation of a bioreactor landfill involves the use of two important elements water and air to allow for the acceleration of the decomposition of both domestic and industrial waste that is dumped in a bioreactor landfill. It is important that the decomposition process is accelerated so that the waste materials are processed faster and the usable byproduct of this decomposition biogas as well as compost is produced faster and is immediately utilized, particularly for energy-generating activities. The biogas that is produced enters specialized pipelines that lead this gas towards where it can be burned and transformed into electricity. The compost material, on the other hand, is also created after biodegradable materials undergo decomposition stages and becomes ready as alternative fertilizer as well as a very suitable soil conditioner used by individuals who have gardens and plantations. Bioreactor landfills operating in US The website lists 13 different bioreactor landfills operating (save one, which is in development as indicated in the website). The most number of bioreactor landfills is found in Florida, which has four different bioreactor landfills the Alachua County Southeast Landfill, the Highlands County, the New River Regional Landfill found in Raiford and the Polk County Landfill which is found in Lakeland. Virginia is the other place with more than one bioreactor landfill site, and these are the Maplewood Landfill and King George County Landfills and the Virginia Landfill Project XL Demonstration Project. The rest features just one bioreactor landfill location; California has the Yolo County bioreactor landfill while Kentucky has the Outer Loop Landfill. In Michigan, a bioreactor landfill is found in Clare County while the Mississippi features the Plantation Oaks Bioreactor Demonstration Project, Sibley. The ACUAs Haneman Environmental Park, Egg Harbor Township is found in New Jersey while the Buncombe County Landfill Project is found in North Carolina, while the Columbia bioreactor landfill is currently under development in Missouri. The bioreactor landfill and human health One of the main issues that bioreactor landfills face is the debate over its impact on health. Those who are pushing for the use of a bioreactor landfill claims that this is particularly designed to protect the health of the people, while those who protest the creation of such technology points to the impending health risk to the public once bioreactor landfills become fully operational. Tolaymat et al (2004) noted in an article about how the bioreactor landfills contribute to the safety of the people and how these landfills protect the health of the people, pointing out to the parameters which if observed properly, will collectively ensure (that) the optimal operation of bioreactor landfills will pose minimized risk to human health and the environment (p 5). Sally Gutierrez, in a foreword note in Tolaymat et als study, noted how the EPA is geared in developing a balance between human health and the creation of technologies that can help sustain life. Gutierrez said that the office is cognizant about how pollutants affect human health and that in the minimizing of these pollutants through the use of bioreactor landfills it is contributing towards the protection of public health (p ii). The Kulangoor Anti-Dump Action Group, Incorporated (KADAG) is one of the different groups that voices opposition versus the bioreactor landfill technology and one of the reasons why they do not support such technology is because of the health risk that goes along with the creation of a bioreactor landfill. According to the group in an article posted in its website, the bioreactor landfill will cause (1) the presence of gases in the atmosphere that will adversely effect human health, from volatile organic compounds to organic sulphides to metals and (2) health risks that includes eye irritation, physical discomfort and illness due to the smell and odor, breathing problems, the presence of cancer-stimulating carcinogens, the presence of possible cases of birth defects associated with women exposed close to bioreactor landfills and the threat of a person losing his/her sense of smell over time due to the exposure of hydrogen sulphide (par 4) KADAG defining the health effect as ranging from slightly annoying to potentially fatal'(par 3). In a slide presentation, Jack Taylor added his own thoughts on the perceived health impact of bioreactor landfills (p11), citing hepatitis A and B, respiratory diseases, as well as the presence of other types of bacteria as a threat to health resulting the presence and operation of a bioreactor landfill. Taylor also identified other things that will be a threat to health, including fires and explosions resulting to burns and even fatalities, release of airborne irritants and smoke. How they benefit the environment The most important benefit the environment can get from the use of a bioreactor landfill is the lessening of the impact of waste management to the environment, especially in the age where population has grown and the density is close to reaching the level that every land area is close in proximity to human beings that the government should secure the land area for safety. In the past, waste management is not given a very serious attention because the people are situated far away from dumpsites and they cannot smell the odor of wastes and garbage and they are hardly in a position to be threatened health-wise by the manner by which the waste management is being handled by the local government. Because of this reality, the consideration for the treatment to the environment was not as focused as it is today. Simply said, the people back then hardly cares about the impact of the existing waste management to the environment; but now that people are realizing how environmental impacts are closely tied to impacts to humans, humans have started devising ways to protect the environment so that they can protect themselves in the long run. The creation of a bioreactor landfill was designed to protect both the environment and the people from the effects of waste management. It protects the environment by providing features that guarantee that harmful elements like leachate and harmful gases are trapped by the site or is manufactured and processed to make it less and less harmful and more and more useful. Bioreactor landfills protect the environment by making sure that unlike in the past, the byproducts that form inside dumpsites are contained and not allowed to be released and harm the rest of the environment. Through the use of bioreactor landfills, the environment is not in the risk of having to experience the level of environmental assault that it experienced during the pre-bioreactor landfill era. The stopping or the slowing down of the terrorizing of the environment due to waste and dump management allows the environment to recover from its previous trauma and allows it to heal itself and make the world a better place to live for the different life forms the existence of which depends on the state and health of the environment, and that includes humans. Reinhart and Townsend, in the book entitled Landfill Bioreactor Design and Operation, mentioned about how bioreactor landfills are created to minimize environmental impact (p1) that goes along with waste management and decomposition and degradation processes. But are bioreactor landfills indeed are capable of minimal environmental impact or are they contributing to the deterioration of the environment through the effect and impact of its operation? Reinhart and Townsend explains that because of the design of the bioreactor landfill that enables it to accomplish its purpose, it automatically provides additional protection of the environment (p1) how? First, by making the area quickly available for more and more trash and dump because it processes waste faster than ordinary landfills and dumpsites, and second, by providing a treatment system that makes trash usable and at the same time allows for the segregation and separation of chemicals that results from the process which can harm the environment. In laymans terms, the trash of man that enters in a bioreactor landfill is processes to become something usable for man to use, and for those that is more destructive than utilitarian, the bioreactor landfill holds inside and continuously process until it is either usable or safe, or both. Bioreactor landfills and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) The United States Environmental Protection Agency or US EPA was created in 1970 as the governments way of putting a front office that will handle all problems involving the environment. Since its creation and until today, the US EPA have shown intensive effort in providing the latest, newest and safest knowledge and technology possible so that the country can maintain the sustainability of its everyday life without doing too much damage on the environment. The US EPA is the main agency involved in the drive to make bioreactor landfills a technology that is understood and accepted by many different US communities, a tasked which the US EPA know is not easy since there are many people and groups who are against the initiatives of US EPA in the past, and there are those who are voicing strong opposition versus the implementation of the use of bioreactor landfills in the country. Because of its role in the propagation of the use of bioreactor landfills and the agency’s role in the continued development of this technology, the US EPA is the point agency that handles every detail of the work involved in bioreactor propagation and development recommendations, studies, frameworks, trainings and other activities directed to the bioreactor landfill projects. It is the US EPA’s responsibility to determine the level of safety that this new technology brings to the people and to the employees that will work directly on the site; the agency is responsible in making sure the people are well informed and well trained, and that there are continued studies that are geared at determining important information that it can use to further improve the growth of bioreactor landfill technology. Because of the costs that come along with the entry of bioreactor technology in place previously existing technology that manages waste disposal, many other individuals outside of US EPA are also taking a very serious inquiry about the real economic and social impact of the use of a bioreactor landfill. Generally, the advantages of old technology is the minimal cost of operation, something that poorer communities can manage even at the risk of being incapable in the long term t manage waste disposal effectively, as for the bioreactor landfill, the higher cost is expected to be balanced by the prospect of income-generation through the sell of methane as a fuel source, and the prospect of a much safer environment and much safer state of life of the people around it. In a study made by Xu et al, the group manifested the interest in determining the actual costs for the use of bioreactor landfill and sanitary landfill to determine which is more practical and more cost efficient. Xu pointed out that there is a challenge to the overall economic advantage that the new technology must prove under local conditions (p381) and this can only be done if there is a substantial study from which information and conclusion can be derived from.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Pronouncing the Spanish C and Z
Pronouncing the Spanish C and Z The letter c of Spanish has three sounds that are very different from each other - and one of those three sounds, which is also the z sound of Spanish, varies with the region. Fortunately, the distinction as to which sound is used follows a rule much like that used in determining the pronunciation of c in English. 3 Pronunciations of C The sound of the c depends on the letter that follows: When the c is followed by h, the two letters together form the ch sound, which is very similar to the the ch sound of English in words such as church and cheap. It is never pronounced like the ch in architecture (the Spanish equivalent is arquitectura).When the c is followed by any other consonant or by the vowel o, or u, it has sound of the English k but is slightly less explosive. Note that the English c has approximately the same sound when followed by the same letters. Thus casa (house) is pronounced much like CAH-sah, and clase (class) is pronounced much like CLAH-seh.The third sound is the one that varies by region. For most Spanish speakers, including nearly all in Latin America, the c is pronounced much like the English s when it comes before an e or i. Note that the same is true in English. So cielo (sky) is pronounced much like SYEH-loh for most Spanish speakers, and cena (dinner) is pronounced much like SEH-nah. However, in most of Spain, especially outside the areas wh ere Catalan is also spoken, the c before e or i is pronounced much like that th in thin - but not the th in that. In most of Spain, then, cielo is pronounced like THYEH-low and cena like THEH-nah. (To avoid confusion between the two th sounds, linguists sometimes represent the unvoiced th with ÃŽ ¸, the Greek letter theta. So the pronunciations of the two words might be represented as ÃŽ ¸YEH-loh and ÃŽ ¸EH-nah.) Contrary to a common urban legend, the third sound of c in Spain is not a lisp. It is simply the way the letter is pronounced. Pronouncing the Z The third c sound represents the z sound as well. The z sound doesnt vary with the letters that follow. You can hear the letter, including regional variations, pronounced here. Note that the z sound doesnt have the buzz that it does in English. So while you may be tempted to prononce zumbar (to hum) as someing like zoom-BAHR, its correct pronunciation is either soom-BAHR or thoom-BAHR, depending on whether youre in Spain or Latin America. In the word pizza, however, the double-z is generally pronounced in imitation of Italian, giving the word a pronunciation similar to what it has in English. Spelling With the C and Z With few exceptions, the z isnt followed by an e or i; a c is used before those letters instead. Thus the equivalent of zero is cero, zinc is cinc, and zebra is cebra. Among the few exceptions are words of foreign origin such as zigzaguear (to zigzag) and zepelà n (zeppelin). When a noun or adjective ends in z and is made plural, the z changes to c. Thus the plural of faz (face) is faces, and the plural of pez (fish) is peces. More examples: una actriz feliz, dos actrices felices (one happy actress, two happy actresses)una nariz, tres narices (one nose, three noses)la luz, las luces (the light, the lights)el juez voraz, los juezes voraces (the greedy judge, the greedy judges) The c and z can also change in conjugated verb forms. The z changes to c if it becomes followed by an e, so one of the forms of empezar (to begin) is empecà ©. Also, the c changes to qu when followed by an e or i, so the forms of tocar (to touch or play) include toquà © and toquemos. Some other examples of verb conjugations affected by these spelling rules: comenzar, comencà ©, que comiences, que comiencen (to begin, I began, that you begin, that they begin)trozar, trocà ©, que troces, que troccen (to break, I break, that you break, that they break)cocer, que yo cueza. que cozamos (to cook, that I cook, that we cook)
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Accident Investigation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Accident Investigation - Essay Example These 11 accidents are divided into two parts: (1) the absence of gas monitoring; and (2) the lack of proper gas testing (â€Å"Seven Key,†2010). The bulletin mentioned about OSHA’s (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) standard practices that should be critically followed during the work’s operation. The OSHA hot work standard 29 CFR 1910.252 refers to guidelines in performing welding, brazing, and other similar field operations. Usually, OSHA discourages hot work in an environment that is prone to explosion. However, OSHA fails to directly mandate the utilization of combustible gas detector before and during the hot work (â€Å"Seven Key,†2010). Of the seven lessons drawn, two of these lessons are given emphasis: first is analyzing the hazards; and second is monitoring the atmosphere (â€Å"Seven Key,†2010). To analyze the hazards means conducting assessment in the work field. Workers or technical professions identify the work’s scope, study possible hazards, and look for ways of controlling or eliminating these hazards. On the other hand, to monitor the atmosphere means to check, from time to time, if there’s a presence of flammable gas using the combustible gas detector (â€Å"Seven Key,†2010). Clearly, these lessons offer methods or procedures on how to conduct hot works before those works are carried out. On the one hand, the bulletin’s premise on the third lesson (i.e., monitoring the atmosphere) is quite heavy, if not redundant. In conducting gas monitoring, says the bulletin, it should be done before and during the hot work operation (â€Å"Seven Key,†2010). I wonder if it can be done only before, no more after, the hot work activity. This has three main implications: (1) the combustible gas detector is unreliable; (2) the technical men employing such detector do not know how to properly use them; (3) there’s no use of monitoring the atmosphere before hot work begins. Moreover, the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies Essay - 8
Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies - Essay Example This paper will discuss the business level and corporate level strategies Eni SpA used to remain competitive in the ever-changing petroleum industry. Business level strategy is a set of commitments and actions a company takes to provide good value to customers thereby gaining a good reputation (Ireland, Hoskisson and Hitt, 2011). This may include establishing niches and product improvement to add value to already existing products and services. A successful business level strategy has to consider the five Ws; where, who, when, what and how v. At first, the organization has to determine its clients, the goods and services the client needs, how to deliver the best products and services and the competitors’ price for the same products and services (Ireland, Hoskisson and Hitt, 2011). Eni SpA’s business level strategy is fair pricing and consistency of products. In that regard, Eni had to invest in exploration of oil resources across the world (Maloney, 2012). This would allow Eni to provide petroleum products to its customers throughout. The company was successful in getting some oil reserves in Kazakhstan, Libya and Congo. The oil field Eni SpA struck in Kazakhstan is probably the largest old field the company has ever struck (Maloney, 2012). However, the numbers of oil fields are dwindling by the day. As such, the success rate of getting a good and productive oil field is challenging. With that knowledge, Eni had to acquire oil companies in other countries. This would guarantee Eni’s ability to meet the customers’ demands and expectations (Maloney, 2012). Eni SpA has also focused on the changes in the market dynamics as a business level strategy. In this case, Eni SpA determines whether there are any risks to the business environment in the future (Maloney, 2012). Currently, Eni SpA noted the shift from fossil fuels is gaining momentum. This is likely
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Unemployment and Government Intervention Strategies Research Paper
Unemployment and Government Intervention Strategies - Research Paper Example Unemployment and Government Intervention Strategies The report reveals that unemployment rate rose to 8.4 %. This is the highest unemployment rate captured since the year 1996. The report further indicates that the statistics of citizens without employment hit a record of 2.67 million in the period between November and January. This increase by 28,000 unemployment numbers was recorded in October in 2011. Moreover, this report shows that unemployment figures in the year 2011 was higher by 148,000 as compared to the year 2010. There were also noticeable differences in unemployment figures between men and women. The number of jobless men was 1.54 between November and January. That of women without employment was 1.13 million in the three months period. According to the Office of National Statistics, the number of people claiming Jobseekers Allowance in December 2011 hit a 1.6 million. This number marked an increment of 1,200 from the unemployment Data collected in October. The report asserts that the number of young people aged 16-24 and seeking employment increased to a new record of 1.043 million. With greater numbers of employees, lay-offs in the banks, public sector, and private sector the unemployment situation in UK may aggravate. This is a matter of urgency concern and the governments in UK should take sound interventions to curb it. Persistently, high unemployment creates huge costs for individuals and the economy of a nation as a whole. Some of costs are difficulty to value and measure, especially the long-term social costs. The economy as a whole suffers because national product falls as a direct consequence of the inability of the market to equalize the marginal products of equally productive labor. Unemployment presents a waste in national scarce resource. The economic output could be higher if the unemployed are at work. It leads to poverty for those people without an employment. Therefore, unemployment is an indicator of nation’s poor economic performance (McEachem, 2011). Unemployment has both private and social cost. To start with, it is a source of stress and ill health to many people. Without a stable income, individuals cannot afford basic health care. This means that an individual cannot get better medical treatment. This results to lower life expectances. Individuals die either out of disease complication or out of incapability to afford proper diet. Second, unemployment destabilizes the living standards of individual. Jobless individuals cannot cater for the basic needs of their families. Inability to provide for the family may lead to homelessness, misunderstanding, divorce, and indebtedness (McEachem, 2011). Third, joblessness leads to loss of skills necessary for individual development. Individuals who stay away from work environment do not have an opportunity to hone their skills to respond to the current labor demand. The prowesses of unemployed individuals lose applicability due to changing trends in the labor market (Kitson, 2010). This in turn can lead to skepticism and pessimism about the true meaning and value of education. This can change individuals to have a narrow focus on education and training. It therefore means that an individual will be less willing to invest in the education system of a nation. The quality of education will dwindle robbing the count ry its potential human resource. Fourth, the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Benefits Of Outsourcing To Host Country
Benefits Of Outsourcing To Host Country In spite of the recent global economic recession, the worldwide business outsourcing market has achieved tremendous growth, According to one of famous International investment consultancy firm known as McKinsey Company predicts that the demand for outsourcing services will obtain $230 billion by in 2011 from whole worlds and it will grow and by 10.5 percent (compound annual growth rate.). In the current business world many large organizations are outsourcing various jobs for example call centre services, payroll, e-mail services, Business Process Outsource and HR. As example: HSBC Bank has outsourced their call centres and Electronic Data Processing at India and Sri Lanka. AVIVA Insurance outsourced their call centres at India and Sri Lanka. IBM has outsource business Transformation system and customer contact work [call centres] at India 1.1 Outsourcing Outsourcing can be defined as contact between two companies to provide services which might otherwise be performed by in-house employees. In todays world there is trend of outsourcing .Many multinational companies are now outsourced various level of jobs, as example such as call centre services, payroll management-mail service assistance. These outsourced jobs are handled by companies who have skilful labours who specialize to provide in services which are located outside the home country. In today business world Outsourcings has become latest trend which is becoming more common in information technology field. 1.2 Reasons for Outsourcings There are various reasons behind for outsourcings. Following section will describe the reasons for outsourcing: Improve Goal Congruence Outsourcing allow management to make attention on the vital or core business issues related with meeting customer needs and maintaining day to day issues. Outsourcings Allow To Access World-Class Capabilities Each notation is specialization in their own core activities. Ex: Qualitative labour-India. Advance technology-China and Japan. Outsourcing allow to access world-class capabilities, including innovative technology and so forth Share Risks With Different Peoples Outsourcing allows management spread certain level of risks as example demand variability and capital investments. Provider Free Resources for non core activities Outsourcing allowing organization to concentrate on non core activities and it allow to allocate those free resources among other activities Reducing Cost By Economic Of Scale Outsourcing allows organization to provide services at lower cost structure, which resulted from economies of scale. Reducing cost is the most persuasive reasons for outsourcing. Allow To Use Resources Not Internally Accessible Outsourcing is most preferable opportunity for companies that have potential to rapid growth, expansion into a new geography area , or spin-offs . Outsourcing Allow to use Resources not internally accessible Allow To Mange Functions Are Difficult Control problems are a one of major reason for outsourcing. However, managers have to find out underlying causes for difficulties rather than outsourcing Even though there are various reason behind for outsourcing , ability of obtaining cost advantages is The main objective of outsourcing is, But lot of organizations are fail to realize any cost advantages received from outsourcing. The famous investment company Gartner is predictive that in 2009, 80% of organizations outsourced by having primary goal of coat cutting bit they are unable to achieve their primary goal of cost cutting, because there are various hidden cost of outsourcing. Such as outsourcing companies have high level of staff turnover rates than other organizations ,Normally it is high as 80% 100%, cost of losing client due to increases of frustration. Therefore outsourcing must be fully monitored. Can easily fail. 1.3 Different Types of Outsourcing Outsourcing can be different type. Following section demonstrate the different types of outsourcing 1. BPO Business Process Outsourcing BPO is the contact between two companies to handle business activities on behalf of another organization. The big companies in developing countries .such as USA, UK,Australian etc.., outsourcing their back office function to India to get cost advantages and quality services. E.g.HSBC and IBM outsourced its employee payroll, data entry, voice calling activities to India 2. LPO legal process outsourcing LPO is the contact between two companies to process legal activities, such as patent application drafting, legal research and so forth. 3. RPO Research Process Outsourcing. This is most famous outsourcing method in the biotech industry. Customers outsource their RD work to external parties. RPO also stands for Recruitment Process Outsourcing. 4. HRO Human Resource Outsourcing. Human resources management comprise training, staffing, payroll management etc. These activities are outsourced by external companies that are located overseas. Ex In the US market, HRM outsourcing is a vast area. The amount counter for HR outsourcing is 29-30% of the total outsourcing 5. MBPO Medical Business Process Outsourcing. 2.0 Call Centres Outsourcing The call centre industry comprises 80% of the total outsourcing industry in the world. that is why normally outsourcing refer and known as call centre outsourcing . A call centre outsourcing is that external party performs the part of a clients business which handling telephone calls. Outsourced call centre handle customer complaints over the telephone. Call centers actually start on as plain provider e-mail response and managing services. But in todays world outsourced has been spared in vast area. it cater huge areas ,such as providing technical support over the phone, handling customer relationships , arrangement of travel services, , provide educational consultation , customer care assistance , financial services, and provide online business to customer support Two different words go together with outsourcing, that is BPO and Call centre.Call centre can be stated as a BPO organisation. A Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) organization which is responsible for performing a process or a part of a process of another business organization. Call centres can be outsourced to following functions Call canters can be divided into major two parts Inbound contact centre Inbound contact centre mainly encompasses customer oriented services such as provide customer assistance, sales inquiries assistance, troubleshooting solutions, and credit card process. Outbound call centre. An inbound call centre also implements customer services as well as it became live representative to provide extreme satisfaction to its customer and enhance the performance of the organization. 3.0 Benefits 0f Outsourcing to The Host Country This section will discussed Benefits of outsourcing call centers to the host country. Current trend in the call centre outsource market is the Asian countries. That is lot of call centers are located in Asian Countries such as India, China, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Philippine, and so forth. in outsourced market, India is the market leader in the international outsourced by grabbing big market share which is more than 80 %.this is basically due to its well fluent English speaking skilled workforce and low level of salary range when compare to developed countries salary range. India salary range is 80% lower than developing countries like USA, UK and so forth .Other feasible locations for off shoring in Asia include China and the Philippines, Sri Lanka .this will further elaborated by using diagram [Figure 1] HSBC has one future plan to open wholly owned BPO subsidiary known as HSBC Electronic Data Centre in Kolkata, India,which forecated to employed 2,000 staff working on back-office operations, HSBC has another BPO at Naina Lal Kidwai India, , has employ 2,000 staff HSBC is spreading the network of processing centers by opening a new business process outsourcing centre in Sri Lanka to provide data processing and customer service facilities for the banks global operations. The new centre at Colombo Aviva has plan improve 5,000 employment opportunities in relation to business process outsource (BPO) services in India and Sri Lanka Figure 1: Distribution of Outsourcing Operation Is outsourcing desirable or undesirable? It is still debatable. Outsourcing provides various benefits to the home countries which is business is undertakings as well as the country where services are being or will be provided (Host Country). This assignment is basically based on outsource call centre in India. India is one of the worlds leading providers of call center services .India is the most favored IT/BPO destination of the world. There are lots of the big MNCs all over the world are interested in outsourcing their operations in India. This report will discuss the benefits of outsourcing to host country. To develop this report India is consider as home country Why India is selected for outsourcing? The answer is very straight forward. India is full with large skillful labour forces. India produces the largest number of graduates in the world. This lead to improve skilled labour forces in India. Call center Outsourcing offers many advantages to the country where the services are being provided can be discuss as follows: 1. Improve Economic Growth of Host Country Call centre Outsourcing brings cost advantages and increase in profits in macroeconomic terms to both home countries which business undertakings as well as host country benefits in various aspects. During last few years India has achieved tremendous growth rate by contributing services of off shoring. According to market research, India has been benefited extremely from growth in this outsorcing area and the rate of growth is above the expectation level. In the fiscal year that ended March 2010, Indias IT industry and outsourcing call centre revenue was $16 billion, and $8.5 billion of this was from Call centre Outsourcing services. According to market research ,It is forecasted that the countrys IT related services and call centre Outsourcing services exports will reach $30 billion by 2011 .Market research conduct on outsourcing predicted that the global call centre outsourced services will encounter for revenues of US$1.2 trillion by 2011. Finally, providing outsourcing services will lead to improve Economic growth of host country and Indian gross domestic product can be expected to grow at 8.5 +/- 0.25 per cent (in fiscal year 2010/11). Share of call centre outsourcing from total exports can be graphically shown as follows Figure 2: contribution of outsourcing to Indian Exports 2. Reduce Unemployment and Create New Employment Opportunities Outsourcing services will be the good sign for national unemployment in India. Services off shoring will lead to expand employment opportunities in developing countries like India. India has pawed the way for a significant number of jobs In terms of growth in off shoring area. According to market research and statistic Call centre outsources are projected to increases employment level up to 1.1 million by 2011 and 3.3 million by 2015 and in the telecommunication industry alone, it is forecasted that straight job creation is reach 2.2 million by 2011 as well as outsourcing will create a further 3 jobs which are not core related to outsourcing as well as Reduce unemployment and create new employment opportunities. It can be shown as follows [Figure 3] Figure 3: Unemployment Rate vs. GDP Growth Rate Example: HSBC is off shoring processing looks locations which enables to obtain work with lower cost ,to provide low cost qualitative services to Asian countries .in Asian news paper it indicate that in developed countries. These locations take on work such as data processing and customer service, but also internal software engineering at Pune, Hyderabad (India), Vishakhapatnam (India), Kolkata (India) , and 65,000 people were working in the call centers over the next two years Even though outsourcing is great solution for unemployment it has some negative impacts. Outsourcing is a management tool that has a great amount of emotions. Upon hearing about outsourcing, majority of the employees fear that they will lose their job. Like any other managing change in an organisation, workers resist and hate the concept of outsourcing. In both cases of off-shoring and outsourcing, in the short term, there are risks of job losses, but the gains from relocation could lead to the creation of new jobs and outsourcing is a great opportunity for the employees to get a better training, development and career opportunities. 3. Women are equally treated in providing Job Opportunities Outsourcing will provide equal job opportunities to women in India. The ability to complete far-off locations job that located very closer to their town lead to improve womens employment level. This is the one of major motivation factor which provides chance more female to enter the off shoring employment. For women, the unemployment rate has trended slightly downward over last few years, while the jobless rate has fallen quickly. [Figure 3-Unemployement Rate of women].This indicates that more women have entered the labor force during last few years. This factor has directly link to the employments opportunities created by outsourcing call centres in India. Example: According to market research, which indicates that 49 %of Wipros (a large Indian off shoring company) workforce is female, while ICICI OneSources workforce is 60 percent female . This will indirectly lead to improve employment level their earning capacity Figure 4: Unemployment of Women 5. Outsourcing provide motivation for Education One of major reason for outsourced manufacturing is cost .that is basically outsourcing relies on a basis for cheap, but with well educated and highly skilled workforce. The highly skilled labours are created from well established education process. In India the payment level provided by employees who are working in the outsourced companies are above the industry average range of salary. On other hand this type of employment can be considered as more respectable job. So all these factors lead to motivation to be part of outsourced company. so become employer of company potential candidates should have sufficient level of skilled including fluency of English. In a nutshell Outsourcing provide motivation for Education 6. Host country Consumers get Advantages of Quality of Services Some time The call centres being provide same services to host country local customers[Ex:India] as well as home country customers [Ex:US market ] .as a results host country customers enjoyed by getting qualitative services which are normally served to developing counties. Example: In 2009 HSBC established call-centre in Sri Lnaka which providing same services to host country local customers [Ex:Sri Lanka ] as well as home country customers 7. Transfer of Advance Technology to Host Country Outsourcing call centres will lead to transfer Technology and knowledge to home country. Outsourcing requires appropriate technical sophistication. For example, it is essential to have reliable and inexpensive communication links with the rest of the world when doing outsourcing. Host country can get massive advantages from latest technology in short term as well as long term. There is no limitation to transfer technical knowledge. 8. Improvements in Human Asset Export-oriented field have been shown to get better the quality of human Asset .outsourcing lead to Improvements in Human Asset 9. The Outsourcing processes is more environmentally friendly Outsourcing does not lead to adverse negative externalities, such as environmental pollution and labour expropriation. The impact of this type of negative environmental externalities is normally at ignorable level. Because it is very difficult to calculate these negative impact to the society and environment. Because the actual consequences which exposed to the world after a long period of time. 10. Rapid Expansion of the Services Sector The amount of employment level in service sector is about 30% , Based on marketing research, in developing countries, , 83% of the US employments market is non-farmers who are employment in services sector, There is high tendency to the growth of jobs in the services sector .it is estimated that in USA market more than 97% of the jobs created are service related jobs during the 2012 4.0 CONCLUSION In conclusion, Outsourcing has positive impact on both Host country and Home Country as well. Outsourcing Call centre helps multinational companies like HSBC, AVIVA, IFS and etc. to create a higher value at a lower cost through getting location advantages and low salary rate skilful labour. Host Country will be benefited by transmitting latest technology, global training for the employees, creation of massive job opportunities and rapid growth in GDP. On the other hand The benefit arrived for home country due to outsourcing is , people who live in home country need to less amount of money to purchase well qualitative goods and services, this lead to improve greater savings in home country which finally affect positively in home countrys economy In particularly while host country is being getting advantages of the outsourcing at the same time the employees in the home country will be affected by the facts of unemployment. Because outsourcing the jobs have possibility to lose. The developing countries like India , Sri lanka get benefited because of outsourcing , but in other hand the people in the first world nations will suffer from unemployment. Even though it improve unemployment level of economy of home country, it positively affect on home countrys economy by improving GDP. Then this leads to improve productivity on global economy. Outsourcing is a one of the latest and successful management strategy that has a huge amount of advantages. Lot of the employees are in under pressure .because they have fear of losing their job because of Outsourcing. Therefore employees dont like to engage with this concept even if there are many advantages exist to all parties.
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