Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Unemployment and Government Intervention Strategies Research Paper
Unemployment and Government Intervention Strategies - Research Paper Example Unemployment and Government Intervention Strategies The report reveals that unemployment rate rose to 8.4 %. This is the highest unemployment rate captured since the year 1996. The report further indicates that the statistics of citizens without employment hit a record of 2.67 million in the period between November and January. This increase by 28,000 unemployment numbers was recorded in October in 2011. Moreover, this report shows that unemployment figures in the year 2011 was higher by 148,000 as compared to the year 2010. There were also noticeable differences in unemployment figures between men and women. The number of jobless men was 1.54 between November and January. That of women without employment was 1.13 million in the three months period. According to the Office of National Statistics, the number of people claiming Jobseekers Allowance in December 2011 hit a 1.6 million. This number marked an increment of 1,200 from the unemployment Data collected in October. The report asserts that the number of young people aged 16-24 and seeking employment increased to a new record of 1.043 million. With greater numbers of employees, lay-offs in the banks, public sector, and private sector the unemployment situation in UK may aggravate. This is a matter of urgency concern and the governments in UK should take sound interventions to curb it. Persistently, high unemployment creates huge costs for individuals and the economy of a nation as a whole. Some of costs are difficulty to value and measure, especially the long-term social costs. The economy as a whole suffers because national product falls as a direct consequence of the inability of the market to equalize the marginal products of equally productive labor. Unemployment presents a waste in national scarce resource. The economic output could be higher if the unemployed are at work. It leads to poverty for those people without an employment. Therefore, unemployment is an indicator of nation’s poor economic performance (McEachem, 2011). Unemployment has both private and social cost. To start with, it is a source of stress and ill health to many people. Without a stable income, individuals cannot afford basic health care. This means that an individual cannot get better medical treatment. This results to lower life expectances. Individuals die either out of disease complication or out of incapability to afford proper diet. Second, unemployment destabilizes the living standards of individual. Jobless individuals cannot cater for the basic needs of their families. Inability to provide for the family may lead to homelessness, misunderstanding, divorce, and indebtedness (McEachem, 2011). Third, joblessness leads to loss of skills necessary for individual development. Individuals who stay away from work environment do not have an opportunity to hone their skills to respond to the current labor demand. The prowesses of unemployed individuals lose applicability due to changing trends in the labor market (Kitson, 2010). This in turn can lead to skepticism and pessimism about the true meaning and value of education. This can change individuals to have a narrow focus on education and training. It therefore means that an individual will be less willing to invest in the education system of a nation. The quality of education will dwindle robbing the count ry its potential human resource. Fourth, the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Benefits Of Outsourcing To Host Country
Benefits Of Outsourcing To Host Country In spite of the recent global economic recession, the worldwide business outsourcing market has achieved tremendous growth, According to one of famous International investment consultancy firm known as McKinsey Company predicts that the demand for outsourcing services will obtain $230 billion by in 2011 from whole worlds and it will grow and by 10.5 percent (compound annual growth rate.). In the current business world many large organizations are outsourcing various jobs for example call centre services, payroll, e-mail services, Business Process Outsource and HR. As example: HSBC Bank has outsourced their call centres and Electronic Data Processing at India and Sri Lanka. AVIVA Insurance outsourced their call centres at India and Sri Lanka. IBM has outsource business Transformation system and customer contact work [call centres] at India 1.1 Outsourcing Outsourcing can be defined as contact between two companies to provide services which might otherwise be performed by in-house employees. In todays world there is trend of outsourcing .Many multinational companies are now outsourced various level of jobs, as example such as call centre services, payroll management-mail service assistance. These outsourced jobs are handled by companies who have skilful labours who specialize to provide in services which are located outside the home country. In today business world Outsourcings has become latest trend which is becoming more common in information technology field. 1.2 Reasons for Outsourcings There are various reasons behind for outsourcings. Following section will describe the reasons for outsourcing: Improve Goal Congruence Outsourcing allow management to make attention on the vital or core business issues related with meeting customer needs and maintaining day to day issues. Outsourcings Allow To Access World-Class Capabilities Each notation is specialization in their own core activities. Ex: Qualitative labour-India. Advance technology-China and Japan. Outsourcing allow to access world-class capabilities, including innovative technology and so forth Share Risks With Different Peoples Outsourcing allows management spread certain level of risks as example demand variability and capital investments. Provider Free Resources for non core activities Outsourcing allowing organization to concentrate on non core activities and it allow to allocate those free resources among other activities Reducing Cost By Economic Of Scale Outsourcing allows organization to provide services at lower cost structure, which resulted from economies of scale. Reducing cost is the most persuasive reasons for outsourcing. Allow To Use Resources Not Internally Accessible Outsourcing is most preferable opportunity for companies that have potential to rapid growth, expansion into a new geography area , or spin-offs . Outsourcing Allow to use Resources not internally accessible Allow To Mange Functions Are Difficult Control problems are a one of major reason for outsourcing. However, managers have to find out underlying causes for difficulties rather than outsourcing Even though there are various reason behind for outsourcing , ability of obtaining cost advantages is The main objective of outsourcing is, But lot of organizations are fail to realize any cost advantages received from outsourcing. The famous investment company Gartner is predictive that in 2009, 80% of organizations outsourced by having primary goal of coat cutting bit they are unable to achieve their primary goal of cost cutting, because there are various hidden cost of outsourcing. Such as outsourcing companies have high level of staff turnover rates than other organizations ,Normally it is high as 80% 100%, cost of losing client due to increases of frustration. Therefore outsourcing must be fully monitored. Can easily fail. 1.3 Different Types of Outsourcing Outsourcing can be different type. Following section demonstrate the different types of outsourcing 1. BPO Business Process Outsourcing BPO is the contact between two companies to handle business activities on behalf of another organization. The big companies in developing countries .such as USA, UK,Australian etc.., outsourcing their back office function to India to get cost advantages and quality services. E.g.HSBC and IBM outsourced its employee payroll, data entry, voice calling activities to India 2. LPO legal process outsourcing LPO is the contact between two companies to process legal activities, such as patent application drafting, legal research and so forth. 3. RPO Research Process Outsourcing. This is most famous outsourcing method in the biotech industry. Customers outsource their RD work to external parties. RPO also stands for Recruitment Process Outsourcing. 4. HRO Human Resource Outsourcing. Human resources management comprise training, staffing, payroll management etc. These activities are outsourced by external companies that are located overseas. Ex In the US market, HRM outsourcing is a vast area. The amount counter for HR outsourcing is 29-30% of the total outsourcing 5. MBPO Medical Business Process Outsourcing. 2.0 Call Centres Outsourcing The call centre industry comprises 80% of the total outsourcing industry in the world. that is why normally outsourcing refer and known as call centre outsourcing . A call centre outsourcing is that external party performs the part of a clients business which handling telephone calls. Outsourced call centre handle customer complaints over the telephone. Call centers actually start on as plain provider e-mail response and managing services. But in todays world outsourced has been spared in vast area. it cater huge areas ,such as providing technical support over the phone, handling customer relationships , arrangement of travel services, , provide educational consultation , customer care assistance , financial services, and provide online business to customer support Two different words go together with outsourcing, that is BPO and Call centre.Call centre can be stated as a BPO organisation. A Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) organization which is responsible for performing a process or a part of a process of another business organization. Call centres can be outsourced to following functions Call canters can be divided into major two parts Inbound contact centre Inbound contact centre mainly encompasses customer oriented services such as provide customer assistance, sales inquiries assistance, troubleshooting solutions, and credit card process. Outbound call centre. An inbound call centre also implements customer services as well as it became live representative to provide extreme satisfaction to its customer and enhance the performance of the organization. 3.0 Benefits 0f Outsourcing to The Host Country This section will discussed Benefits of outsourcing call centers to the host country. Current trend in the call centre outsource market is the Asian countries. That is lot of call centers are located in Asian Countries such as India, China, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Philippine, and so forth. in outsourced market, India is the market leader in the international outsourced by grabbing big market share which is more than 80 %.this is basically due to its well fluent English speaking skilled workforce and low level of salary range when compare to developed countries salary range. India salary range is 80% lower than developing countries like USA, UK and so forth .Other feasible locations for off shoring in Asia include China and the Philippines, Sri Lanka .this will further elaborated by using diagram [Figure 1] HSBC has one future plan to open wholly owned BPO subsidiary known as HSBC Electronic Data Centre in Kolkata, India,which forecated to employed 2,000 staff working on back-office operations, HSBC has another BPO at Naina Lal Kidwai India, , has employ 2,000 staff HSBC is spreading the network of processing centers by opening a new business process outsourcing centre in Sri Lanka to provide data processing and customer service facilities for the banks global operations. The new centre at Colombo Aviva has plan improve 5,000 employment opportunities in relation to business process outsource (BPO) services in India and Sri Lanka Figure 1: Distribution of Outsourcing Operation Is outsourcing desirable or undesirable? It is still debatable. Outsourcing provides various benefits to the home countries which is business is undertakings as well as the country where services are being or will be provided (Host Country). This assignment is basically based on outsource call centre in India. India is one of the worlds leading providers of call center services .India is the most favored IT/BPO destination of the world. There are lots of the big MNCs all over the world are interested in outsourcing their operations in India. This report will discuss the benefits of outsourcing to host country. To develop this report India is consider as home country Why India is selected for outsourcing? The answer is very straight forward. India is full with large skillful labour forces. India produces the largest number of graduates in the world. This lead to improve skilled labour forces in India. Call center Outsourcing offers many advantages to the country where the services are being provided can be discuss as follows: 1. Improve Economic Growth of Host Country Call centre Outsourcing brings cost advantages and increase in profits in macroeconomic terms to both home countries which business undertakings as well as host country benefits in various aspects. During last few years India has achieved tremendous growth rate by contributing services of off shoring. According to market research, India has been benefited extremely from growth in this outsorcing area and the rate of growth is above the expectation level. In the fiscal year that ended March 2010, Indias IT industry and outsourcing call centre revenue was $16 billion, and $8.5 billion of this was from Call centre Outsourcing services. According to market research ,It is forecasted that the countrys IT related services and call centre Outsourcing services exports will reach $30 billion by 2011 .Market research conduct on outsourcing predicted that the global call centre outsourced services will encounter for revenues of US$1.2 trillion by 2011. Finally, providing outsourcing services will lead to improve Economic growth of host country and Indian gross domestic product can be expected to grow at 8.5 +/- 0.25 per cent (in fiscal year 2010/11). Share of call centre outsourcing from total exports can be graphically shown as follows Figure 2: contribution of outsourcing to Indian Exports 2. Reduce Unemployment and Create New Employment Opportunities Outsourcing services will be the good sign for national unemployment in India. Services off shoring will lead to expand employment opportunities in developing countries like India. India has pawed the way for a significant number of jobs In terms of growth in off shoring area. According to market research and statistic Call centre outsources are projected to increases employment level up to 1.1 million by 2011 and 3.3 million by 2015 and in the telecommunication industry alone, it is forecasted that straight job creation is reach 2.2 million by 2011 as well as outsourcing will create a further 3 jobs which are not core related to outsourcing as well as Reduce unemployment and create new employment opportunities. It can be shown as follows [Figure 3] Figure 3: Unemployment Rate vs. GDP Growth Rate Example: HSBC is off shoring processing looks locations which enables to obtain work with lower cost ,to provide low cost qualitative services to Asian countries .in Asian news paper it indicate that in developed countries. These locations take on work such as data processing and customer service, but also internal software engineering at Pune, Hyderabad (India), Vishakhapatnam (India), Kolkata (India) , and 65,000 people were working in the call centers over the next two years Even though outsourcing is great solution for unemployment it has some negative impacts. Outsourcing is a management tool that has a great amount of emotions. Upon hearing about outsourcing, majority of the employees fear that they will lose their job. Like any other managing change in an organisation, workers resist and hate the concept of outsourcing. In both cases of off-shoring and outsourcing, in the short term, there are risks of job losses, but the gains from relocation could lead to the creation of new jobs and outsourcing is a great opportunity for the employees to get a better training, development and career opportunities. 3. Women are equally treated in providing Job Opportunities Outsourcing will provide equal job opportunities to women in India. The ability to complete far-off locations job that located very closer to their town lead to improve womens employment level. This is the one of major motivation factor which provides chance more female to enter the off shoring employment. For women, the unemployment rate has trended slightly downward over last few years, while the jobless rate has fallen quickly. [Figure 3-Unemployement Rate of women].This indicates that more women have entered the labor force during last few years. This factor has directly link to the employments opportunities created by outsourcing call centres in India. Example: According to market research, which indicates that 49 %of Wipros (a large Indian off shoring company) workforce is female, while ICICI OneSources workforce is 60 percent female . This will indirectly lead to improve employment level their earning capacity Figure 4: Unemployment of Women 5. Outsourcing provide motivation for Education One of major reason for outsourced manufacturing is cost .that is basically outsourcing relies on a basis for cheap, but with well educated and highly skilled workforce. The highly skilled labours are created from well established education process. In India the payment level provided by employees who are working in the outsourced companies are above the industry average range of salary. On other hand this type of employment can be considered as more respectable job. So all these factors lead to motivation to be part of outsourced company. so become employer of company potential candidates should have sufficient level of skilled including fluency of English. In a nutshell Outsourcing provide motivation for Education 6. Host country Consumers get Advantages of Quality of Services Some time The call centres being provide same services to host country local customers[Ex:India] as well as home country customers [Ex:US market ] .as a results host country customers enjoyed by getting qualitative services which are normally served to developing counties. Example: In 2009 HSBC established call-centre in Sri Lnaka which providing same services to host country local customers [Ex:Sri Lanka ] as well as home country customers 7. Transfer of Advance Technology to Host Country Outsourcing call centres will lead to transfer Technology and knowledge to home country. Outsourcing requires appropriate technical sophistication. For example, it is essential to have reliable and inexpensive communication links with the rest of the world when doing outsourcing. Host country can get massive advantages from latest technology in short term as well as long term. There is no limitation to transfer technical knowledge. 8. Improvements in Human Asset Export-oriented field have been shown to get better the quality of human Asset .outsourcing lead to Improvements in Human Asset 9. The Outsourcing processes is more environmentally friendly Outsourcing does not lead to adverse negative externalities, such as environmental pollution and labour expropriation. The impact of this type of negative environmental externalities is normally at ignorable level. Because it is very difficult to calculate these negative impact to the society and environment. Because the actual consequences which exposed to the world after a long period of time. 10. Rapid Expansion of the Services Sector The amount of employment level in service sector is about 30% , Based on marketing research, in developing countries, , 83% of the US employments market is non-farmers who are employment in services sector, There is high tendency to the growth of jobs in the services sector .it is estimated that in USA market more than 97% of the jobs created are service related jobs during the 2012 4.0 CONCLUSION In conclusion, Outsourcing has positive impact on both Host country and Home Country as well. Outsourcing Call centre helps multinational companies like HSBC, AVIVA, IFS and etc. to create a higher value at a lower cost through getting location advantages and low salary rate skilful labour. Host Country will be benefited by transmitting latest technology, global training for the employees, creation of massive job opportunities and rapid growth in GDP. On the other hand The benefit arrived for home country due to outsourcing is , people who live in home country need to less amount of money to purchase well qualitative goods and services, this lead to improve greater savings in home country which finally affect positively in home countrys economy In particularly while host country is being getting advantages of the outsourcing at the same time the employees in the home country will be affected by the facts of unemployment. Because outsourcing the jobs have possibility to lose. The developing countries like India , Sri lanka get benefited because of outsourcing , but in other hand the people in the first world nations will suffer from unemployment. Even though it improve unemployment level of economy of home country, it positively affect on home countrys economy by improving GDP. Then this leads to improve productivity on global economy. Outsourcing is a one of the latest and successful management strategy that has a huge amount of advantages. Lot of the employees are in under pressure .because they have fear of losing their job because of Outsourcing. Therefore employees dont like to engage with this concept even if there are many advantages exist to all parties.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Love in The Taming of the Shrew Essay -- Taming of the Shrew Essays
Love in The Taming of the Shrew Wonder, for a moment, what Shakespeare means when he uses the word â€Å"love†, if it really does exist in any of the relationships in this play, particularly between Petruccio and Katherine. Is love not a certainty? Such winds scatters young men through the world To seek their fortunes farther than at home, Where small experience grows. But in in a few, Signor Hortensio, thus it stands with me: Antonio, my father, is deceased, And I have thrust myself into this maze Happily to wive and thriveas best I may. Crowns in my purse I have, and goods at home, And so I am come abroad to see the world. (1.2.47-55) Upon the death of his father who cared for him, he is in search of a wife so that he can live a desired lifestyle upon her fortunes. He is not desirous of love, or lust, or infatuation, b...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Hypnotism Research Paper
When most hear the word hypnotism, they think of a mysterious, suited figure waving a pocket watch back and forth in front of someone’s eyes. Most picture this ominous man guiding his subject into a semi-sleep, zombie-like state with absolute ease. Once hypnotized, the subject effortlessly moves and speaks and acts as if they are on an invisible leash guided by the hypnotist. We believe the subject is compelled to obey any command, no matter how strange or unreasonable, muttering, â€Å"Yes, master. †This popular representation is what is shown of hypnotism in movies and television, but in fact, it is so much different.People have been pondering and arguing over hypnosis for more than 200 years, but science has yet to fully explain how it actually happens. Hypnosis involves the subconscious mind taking over and can be used for shows and entertainment or psychiatric hypnotherapy. Present day hypnotist, Cody Horton has been referred to as â€Å"The World’s Most S pell-Binding Stage Hypnotist. †She is the author of several motivating, self-help books, and self-hypnotism audio books that can help you solve just about any problem you may have. On Hypnotism,†a book written by the famous hypnotist, James Braid in 1860, helps to explain the origin of hypnotherapy and correct many of the historical misconceptions that have developed regarding the actual meaning of hypnotism. Our understanding of hypnosis has enormously advanced in the past century, but the phenomenon is still considered a mystery. Figuring out how hypnotism works is just a small piece of a much larger puzzle, how the human mind works. Scientists are unlikely to arrive at a definitive explanation of the mind in the foreseeable future, so it is a good bet that hypnosis will remain very close to a mystery.Psychiatrists do understand the general characteristics of hypnosis, and they even have a model as to how to works. We can easily see what a person does when they are u nder hypnosis, but it is not clear as to why they do it or what makes them do it. Hypnotism is considered a trance state where the subject is easily suggested into doing things, relaxed, and has an extremely heightened imagination. It is often compared to daydreaming or â€Å"the feeling of losing yourself in a book or a movie. †(Harris, 2010) As you watch a movie you become engrossed in the plot, and most worries about your job, family, etc. ade away, until all you're thinking about is what's up on the screen.Though it is sometimes compared to sleeping, that is not valid because the subject is alert the entire time and fully conscious. You become focused intently on one object, thought, or action and nearly exclude every other thought or stimuli around you. Milton Erickson, the premier hypnotism expert of the 20th century, contended that people hypnotize themselves on a daily basis. He believed that in our everyday trance of a daydream or movie, an imaginary world becomes i ncredibly real to us, and can even create real fear or happiness. Hypnotherapy: an Exploratory Casebook, 8-11) Being in this sort of self-trance fully engages our emotions and can cause us to react to things differently then we normally would. In conventional hypnosis, the hypnotist causes their thoughts and suggestions to become the subject’s own ideas and emotions. In this â€Å"reality,†if the hypnotist suggests that your tongue has swollen up to twice its size, you'll feel a sensation in your mouth and you may have trouble talking. If the hypnotist suggests that you are afraid, you may feel nervous and even begin to sweat.When the hypnotist tells you do something, you'll probably embrace the idea completely because in this state the subject is highly suggestible. But the entire time, you are aware that it's all imaginary and that is why hypnotists cannot get their subjects to do anything they don’t want to do. In this mental state, people feel uninhibited a nd extremely relaxed, which causes them to tune out all worries and doubts that normally keep people in check. (Harris, 2010) Hypnosis directly involves a person’s subconscious mind.When you're awake, your conscious mind works to evaluate a lot of your thoughts, make decisions and put certain ideas into action. It also processes new information and relays it to the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind takes care of all the things you do automatically, like breathing. The subconscious mind processes the physical information your body receives and actually lets you solve problems, create conversation and put together plans and ideas. But when you're asleep, the conscious mind gets out of the way, and your subconscious has free reign.Psychiatrists theorize that the deep relaxation and focusing exercises of hypnotism work to calm and subdue the conscious mind so that it takes a less active role in your thinking process. In this state, you're still aware of what's going on, bu t your conscious mind takes a backseat to your subconscious mind. Effectively, this allows you and the hypnotist to work directly with the subconscious. It provides an especially convincing explanation for the playfulness and uninhibitedness of hypnotic subjects.The conscious mind is the main inhibitive component in your makeup  it's in charge of putting on the brakes  while the subconscious mind is the seat of imagination and impulse. When your subconscious mind is in control, you feel much freer and may be more creative. Your conscious mind doesn't have to filter through everything. (Harris, 2010) Hypnotized people do such bizarre things so willingly, this theory holds, because the conscious mind is not filtering and relaying the information they take in.Of course, your subconscious mind does have a conscience, a survival instinct and its own ideas, so there are a lot of things it won't agree to. The subconscious regulates your bodily sensations, such as taste, tou ch and sight, as well as your emotional feelings. When the access door is open, and the hypnotist can speak to your subconscious directly, he or she can trigger all these feelings, so you experience the taste of a chocolate milkshake, the satisfaction of contentment and any number of other feelings. Additionally, the subconscious is the storehouse for all your memories.While under hypnosis, subjects may be able to access past events that they have completely forgotten. Psychiatrists may use hypnotism to bring up these memories so that a related personal problem can finally be resolved. Since the subject's mind is in such a suggestible state, it is also possible to create false memories. For this reason, psychiatrists must be extremely careful when exploring a hypnotic subject's past. In numerous studies, researchers have compared the physical â€Å"body signs†of hypnotic subjects with those of unhypnotized people.In most of these studies, the researchers found no significant physical change associated with the trance state of hypnosis. The subject's heart rate and respiration may slow down, but this is due to the relaxation involved in the hypnotism process, not the hypnotic state itself. There does seem to be changed activity in the brain, however. The most notable data comes from electroencephalographs (EEGs), measurements of the electrical activity of the brain. Extensive EEG research has demonstrated that brains produce different brain waves, rhythms of electrical voltage, depending on their mental state.Deep sleep has a different rhythm than dreaming, for example, and full alertness has a different rhythm than relaxation. In some studies, EEGs from subjects under hypnosis showed a boost in the lower frequency waves associated with dreaming and sleep, and a drop in the higher frequency waves associated with full wakefulness. Brain-wave information is not a definitive indicator of how the mind is operating, but this pattern does fit the hypothesis t hat the conscious mind backs off during hypnosis and the subconscious mind takes a more active role. Researchers have also studied patterns in the brain's cerebral cortex that occur during hypnosis.In these studies, hypnotic subjects showed reduced activity in the left hemisphere of the cerebral cortex, while activity in the right hemisphere often increased. Neurologists believe that the left hemisphere of the cortex is the logical control center of the brain; it operates on deduction, reasoning and convention. The right hemisphere, in contrast, controls imagination and creativity. A decrease in left-hemisphere activity fits with the hypothesis that hypnosis subdues the conscious mind's inhibitory influence. Conversely, an increase in right-brain activity supports the idea that the creative, impulsive subconscious mind takes the reigns.This is by no means conclusive evidence, but it does lend credence to the idea that hypnotism opens up the subconscious mind. Whether or not hypnosis is actually a physiological phenomenon, millions of people do practice hypnotism regularly, and millions of subjects report that it has worked on them. Hypnotists' methods vary, but they all depend on a few basic prerequisites. The subject must want to be hypnotized, they must believe he or she can be hypnotized, and the subject must eventually feel comfortable and relaxed.Depending on the person's mental state and personality, the entire hypnotism process can take anywhere from a few minutes to more than a half hour. Hypnotists and hypnotism proponents see the peculiar mental state as a powerful tool with a wide range of applications. In the hypnotism shows of Las Vegas, as well as the traveling hypnotism demonstrations on the college circuit, hypnotism is used primarily for entertainment purposes. It's an amazing experience watching somebody turn ordinary people, perhaps your friends or family, into outrageous performers.The power of suggestion and imagination, and the lowering o f inhibition, does make for a fantastic show. But these demonstrations only scratch the surface of what hypnotism can do  all the suggestions are intentionally frivolous, to ensure that nobody gets hurt. The hypnotist uses his or her access to the unconscious mind only to play with the subject. More involved hypnotism uses this access to affect long-term changes in the subject. The most widespread example of this hypnotic behavioral modification is habit-control hypnotic treatment.In this application, a hypnotist focuses on one particular habit that is embedded in your unconscious (smoking or overeating, for example). With the â€Å"control panel†to your mind open, the hypnotist may be able to reprogram your subconscious to reverse the behavior. Some hypnotists do this by connecting a negative response with the bad habit. For example, the hypnotist might suggest to your subconscious that smoking will cause nausea. If this association is programmed effectively, you wi ll feel sick every time you think about smoking a cigarette.Alternatively, the hypnotist may build up your willpower, suggesting to your subconscious that you don't need cigarettes, and you don't want them. Habit-control hypnotism is commonly practiced on a mass scale, in day-long seminars held in hotel suites, or through audio tapes or CDs. Since the treatment is not specifically tailored to each subject, and the treatment is rapid, these programs are often ineffective. Even if the treatment does yield positive results in the short term, there's a good chance that the subject will relapse eventually. A related application of hypnotism is psychiatric hypnotherapy.In a therapy session, a psychiatrist may hypnotize his or her subject in order to work with deep, entrenched personal problems. The therapy may take the form of breaking negative patterns of behavior, as with mass habit-control programs. This can be particularly effective in addressing phobias, unreasonable fears of particu lar objects or situations. Another form of psychiatric hypnotherapy involves bringing underlying psychiatric problems up to the conscious level. Accessing fears, memories and repressed emotions can help to clarify difficult issues and bring resolution to persistent problems.Hypnotists may also tap dormant memories to aid in law enforcement. In this practice, called forensic hypnotism, investigators access a subject's deep, repressed memories of a past crime to help identify a suspect or fill in details of the case. Since hypnotists may lead subjects to form false memories, this technique is still very controversial in the forensics world. Another controversial form of hypnotism is medical hypnotherapy. Doctors and spiritual leaders all over the world claim that hypnotic suggestion can ease pain and even cure illness in some patients.The underlying idea behind this is that the mind and body are inextricably intertwined. When you suggest to the subconscious that the body does not feel pain, or that the body is free of disease, the subconscious may actually bring about the change. There is a great deal of anecdotal evidence to support this idea. Using only hypnotic suggestion as an anesthetic, thousands of women have made it through childbirth with minimal pain and discomfort. Countless cancer patients swear by hypnosis, claiming that it helps to manage the pain of chemotherapy, and some former patients credit their recovery to hypnotherapy.The success of hypnotherapy is undeniable, but many doctors argue that the hypnotic trance is not actually responsible for the positive results. In the general sense, this phenomenon is known as the placebo effect. In numerous studies, people who were given ordinary sugar pills behaved and felt differently only because they thought they should. It's clear that the mind can influence all aspects of the physical body, so it makes sense that a firmly held belief can reduce pain or even help treat a disease. But in the end, this e xplanation of hypnosis amounts to pretty much the same thing as the trance theory.When you absolutely convince somebody that you've brought about a change in their subconscious, they register this information as a fact. Like any fact, this information will take root in the subconscious mind. So, even if the hypnotic state is nothing more than a figment of the subject's imagination, hypnotic suggestions can still reform their deeply held beliefs. The end result is the same! Modern hypnotist and self help guru, Cody Horton, received her certification in Clinical Hypnotherapy from the National Board of Hypnotherapy and Hypnotic Anesthesiology.With special training in entrepreneurship, meditation and the mind/body connection, she has helped tens of thousands of people achieve incredible inner-transformation  making the way for wealth, wisdom and success! Cody is known worldwide as one of the most powerful and captivating hypnotists in the world. Her shows have been described as an hilariously entertaining, and intellectually stimulating presentation that starts from the minute volunteers go up on stage. Not only does she put on a humorous and spell binding show, she has written numerous books and has many audio books out.Cody aims to change the public’s views of hypnotism because she knows that mostly everyone thinks that they will not be in control while going under. Cody has said, â€Å"Allow me to dispel a myth: the belief that while in a state of hypnosis, you are under the complete control of the hypnotist. The truth of the matter is that if any one suggestion feels uncomfortable for you, it will be immediately rejected by your subconscious mind. †She wants her subjects to feel comfortable and sincerely wants to help people. Her one-on-one hypnotherapy sessions can help with weight management to self confidence to quitting a bad habit and even phobias.Hypnotists such as Cody Horton have helped people all over the world with their proble ms and have entertained countless crowds during their unbelievable performances. (Prepare Yourself to Be Mystified, 2010)Works Cited Erickson, Milton H. , and Ernest Lawrence. Rossi. Foreword. Hypnotherapy: an Exploratory Casebook. New York: Irvington, 1992. 8-11. Print. Harris, Tom. â€Å"HowStuffWorks â€Å"How Hypnosis Works††Howstuffworks â€Å"Science†Web. 01 Nov. 2010. ;lt;http://science. howstuffworks. com/science-vs-myth/extrasensory-percep
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Esr Experiment
Electron Spin Resonance Tabish September 2003 Aim: To determine the Land? g-factor using Electron Spin Resonance. e Apparatus: ESR setup which includes Helmholtz coils, R. F. oscillator and the test sample, and in addition, a cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO). Theory Background Suppose a particle having a magnetic moment  µ is placed in a uniform magnetic ? eld of intensity B, then the Hamiltonian can be written as ? H=g e ? J  · B, 2mc where g is the Land? g-factor, which is 1 for orbital angular momentum, and 2 for spin angular e e? h momentum.The factor 2mc , sometimes written as  µB , is called Bohr magneton, if the particle in question is an electron. If the particle is a nucleon, then the factor is called the nuclear magneton. If the angular momentum J results from a combination of an orbital angular momentum and a spin, then g would be given by the Land? formula: e g =1+ j(j + 1) + s(s + 1) ? l(l + 1) , 2j(j + 1) where l, s and j represent the magnitude of the orbital, the spin and the total angular momenta, respectively. Remember that j can go from l ? s to l + s. Conventionally, the static magnetic ? eld is assumed to be pointing along the z? xis, which modi? es the above equation to e ? ? Jz B. H=g 2mc Let us now consider an atom which has an electronic ground state with total angular momentum j = 1/2 and an excited state with j = 3/2 (see ? gure 2). There is only a single transition which can be induced by the absorption of radiation of frequency ? 12 = (E2 ? E1 )/? . As the energy does not depend h on the angular momentum states, the ground state is doubly degenerate corresponding to eigenvalues  ±1/2 ? of Jz and the excited state is quadruply degenerate corresponding to eigenvalues +3/2, 1/2, ? 1/2, ? 3/2 of ? Jz . 1Electronic excited state Electronic transition j=3/2 ESR Electronic ground state j=1/2 ESR Zeeman effect If one now applies a magnetic ? eld B along the z-axis, each of the angular momentum states acquires a di? erent energy. The g round state energy level thus splits into two sublevels and the excited state level into four sublevels. This is called Zeeman splitting. Now instead of a single transition of frequency ? 12 = (E2 ? E1 )/? , many transitions of frequencies close to ? 12 h are possible. Experimentally this is seen as a splitting a single absorption or emission line into several closely spaced lines.This is called Zeeman e? ect. As one would have noticed, transition should also be possible between the sublevels of the same energy level. It is indeed possible and this phenomenon is known as electron spin resonance (ESR). Electron Spin Resonance Let us try to understand the phenomenon of ESR in somewhat more detail. As ESR invloves transitions only between the sublevels of one energy level, we will not bother about the Hamiltonian of the atom/molecule which gives us the energy levels. We will only worry about the part of the Hamiltonian which is the result of the applied magnetic ? ld B, which gives us the sublevels. For simplicity, we will consider one electron with angular momentum j, in a magnetic ? eld B. In addition we have an electromagnetic ? eld of frequency ? in the direction perpendicular to B. The time-dependent Hamiltonian can thus be written as ? H=g eB ? ? ? Jz + V0 ei? t + V0†e? i? t , 2mc ? where V0 represents the interaction of the electromagnetic ? eld with the electron. The electromagnetic ? eld is supposed to be very weak compared to the applied static ? eld B, and so one can use time-dependent perturbation theory to study this problem. The states ? hat we will use are the eigenstates of Jz : ? Jz |m = hm|m , ? where m will take 2j + 1 values, from ? j to +j. The energy of these levels is given by g where n eB ? Jz |n = 2mc n |n , = geB? n h 2mc = gB µB n. In time-dependent perturbation theory, we know that the time-dependent interaction can cause transition between various |m states. The transition rate per unit time, from i th level to j’th le vel is given by: 2? ? Wi>j = | j|V0 |i |2 ? ( j ? i ? h? ), ? h ? assuming that j > i . This expression says that transition from state |i to |j is possible when the frequency of radiation ? ( j ? i )/? . This is the condition for resonance, or in our case, h electron spin resonance. ? ? There is one important point about the form of V0 . It happens to be such that j|V0 |i is nonzero only when j = i  ± 1. This means that transition is possible between, say, | ? 3/2 and | ? 1/2 , but not between, say, | ? 3/2 and |1/2 . Such restrtictions, imposed by the kind of interaction and the nature of states, are called selection rules. 2 The ESR setup Description of the ESR Spectrometer A block diagram of the ESR Spectrometer is given in the ? gure above. Basic circuit The ? st stage of the ESR circuit consists of a critically adjusted radio frequency oscillator. This type of oscillator is required here, so that the slightest increase in its load decreases the amplitude of oscillation to an appreciable extent. The sample is kept inside the tank coil of the oscillator, which in turn, is placed in the 50 Hz magnetic ? eld generated by the Helmholtz coils. At resonance, i. e. when the frequency of oscillation becomes equal to frequency corresponding to the energy splitting of the sublevels, the oscillator amplitude registers a dip due to the absorption of power by the sample.This obviously, occurs periodically four times in each complete cycle of the supply voltage of the magnetic ? eld. The result is an amplitude modulated carrier which is then detected using a diode detector and ampli? ed by a chain of three low noise, high gain audio-frequency ampli? ers to suit the input requirement of any oscilloscope. Highly stabilized and almost ripple free power supply for the above circuit is obtained using an integrated circuit regulator. Phase shifter This can compensate the undermined phase di? erence which may be introduced in the ampli? cation stages of the spectrometer and oscilloscope. 0 Hz sweep unit A 50 Hz current ? ows through Helmholtz coils which provides a low frequency magnetic ? eld to the sample. As the resonance is observed at a few gauss only, no static magnetic ? eld is applied. R. F. Oscillator It is a transistorised radio frequency oscillator suitable for the determination of resonance frequency. Frequency range: 10 MHz to 18 MHz Accuracy: Better than 0. 5 % The Sample The sample used in our ESR setup is diphenyl-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH). It is a widely used standard in ESR experiments. The structure of this organic molecule, shown in the ? gure, contains three benzene rings.Its important feature is that it contains a single unpaired electron, whose orbital angular momentum is 3 O2N N N NO2 O2N zero. So, the electron has only the spin angular momentum, and the material gives a g? factor which is close to 2. 0038. One thus has to deal with the simple situation where j = 1/2, and only two sublevels are involved. In conventional spectrosco py, absorption intensity is plotted against the frequency of radiation to get the absorption spectrum. In the present case, one should obtain a single abosorption geB peak at frequency ? = ( j ? i )/? , which is nothing but ? = 2mc . However, in this setup it is h di? ult to vary the frequency of radiation. So, what is done is that the frequency of radiation is ? xed at some ? 0 , and the normally static, magnetic ? eld is swept between the positive and negative extremes of a maximum ? eld value. This is done by supplying an alternating current to the Helmholts coils which are supposed to generate the magnetic ? eld. During the AC cycle, 2mc whenever the strength of the magnetic ? eld (+ve or -ve) becomes equal to B0 = ? 0ge , there is a resonance condition, and radiation is absorbed. Origin of four peaks In this experiment, the CRO is used in the x-y mode.The signal from the AC source, which supplies current for the magnetic ? eld, is fed to the X plates of the CRO, and the absorpt ion signal is B fed to the Y plates. The point on the extreme right on the CRO 2 4 3 1 screen represents the maximum positive value of the ? eld, and the point on the extreme left represents the maximum negative value ? B of the ? eld. The point at the center represents zero ? eld. Without Time the Y-plates, the point on the CRO screen goes from maximum negative value to zero, and the maximum positive value, and then back again to the mimimum value.As one can see from the ? gure, the ? eld strength becomes B0 four times in one single sweep cycle. 0 0 0 Now if the absorption signal is fed to the Y-plates, whenever the ? eld strength becomes B0 , the Y-axis will show a peak. So, one should see four peaks corresponding to points 1,2,3,4 in the ? gure. But one can see that on the X-axis of the CRO screen, points 2 and 3 are the same, because they correspond to the same value of the ? eld B0 , and points 1 and 4 are the same because they correspond to the ? eld ? B0 . So, the four peaks should overlap such that only two are visible.However, the absorption signal passes through some electronic circuitry before being fed to the Y-plates of the CRO, so it very di? cult to make sure that no phase change occurs in the process. If there is a small phase di? erence between the AC signal on the X plates and the signal on the Y plates, when points 3 and 4 are traced, the peaks do not overlap with those at 1 and 2. So, in practice one would see four peaks. If one has a way of changing the phase of, say, the Y signal, one can adjust the phase manually so that the four peaks merge into two. Getting the numbersWe have the control over the current that is passing through the Helmholtz coils, and this can also be measured. But what we actually need for our calculation is, the magnetic ? eld B applied to the sample. Let us ? rst calculate the magnetic ? eld through the Helmholtz coils. This can be done easily 4 using the Biot-Savart law. B =  µ0 4 5 3/2 I N , r where:  µ0 = 4? ? 10? 1 (cgs units) N = number of turns in each coil. r = the radius of the Helmholtz coils in cm (which is equal to their separation when they are properly arranged). I = current passing through the coils.The value of B is obtained in gauss. As the current is measured by an AC ammeter, the value of the current, and thus the ? eld, is the r. m. s. value. The peak value of the ? eld will be given by v v 8 2 I N . Bmax = 2B =  µ0 v 125 r Suppose the peak value of the ? eld (= Bmax ) corresponds to P divisions from the center on the x-axis of the CRO screen. Then if Q be the distance of the observed resonances from the center (in the units of divisions), the ? eld corresponding to the resonance will be given by: B0 = Q But the resonance condition is given by: B0 = h ? 0 ? , g µB Bmax P hich can be used to determine the value of g, once B0 is known. Now, for a ? xed ? 0 , B0 is ? xed, although one can vary the current I and get various position of the absorption peaks. Let us write the expression for B0 and see what is most accurate way to calculate it: v N  µ0 8 2 v B0 = I  · Q. rP 125 The ESR spectrometer is such that P does not vary as one varies I. So, the best way to evaluate the above expression will be to plot a graph between 1/I and Q, and ? nd out the slope, which will give the average value of I  · Q. The ? eld at the absorption peaks can be calulated as: v N  µ0 8 2 v B0 = ? lope of graph between 1/I and Q. rP 125 Procedure Connections Connections are done as follows: †¢ ESR spectrometer and power supply are connected with connecting cables. †¢ Connect the coaxial cable of the induction coil to the oscillator through the socket marked â€Å"input†. 5 †¢ Connect the Helmoltz coils to the power supply terminal marked â€Å"H†coil. †¢ Connect the â€Å"Out-put†terminal marked X, Y, E on the ESR spectrometer to the X plate, Y plate input and ground of the oscilloscope respectively and switch on the osc illoscope. †¢ Connect the power supply with AC mains.Adjustments Adjust the current in the Helmholtz coils at 150 mA. The front panel controls of the ESR spectrometer are adjusted as follows: frequency, detector and phase, all centered. Experimental procedure The X plate of the CRO is callibrated in terms of magentic ? eld as follows: 1. X ampli? er of the CRO is adjusted to obtain the maximum X de? ection (e. g. P divisions. 2. Note the current ? owing in the Helmholtz coils. The magnetic ? eld can then be calculated from the formula for B given before. Number of turn in the coils N = 500 and the radius r = 7. 7cm.The positions of the two peaks of the ESR signal at resonance is measured. Let this be Q divisions from the center. The best possible resonance peaks are obtained by varying the frequency in the range of 12 to 14 MHz and the Y sensitivity of the oscilloscope. The pahse knob is adjusted to coincide one pair of peaks with the other. The current through the coils is the n varied, keeping the frequency ? xed, and the corresponding position of the peaks from the center noted. A graph between 1/I and Q is then plotted and can be used in calculating the g-factor, as described earlier.Repeat the above procedure for di? erent values of frequency. Observations and calculation S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I(mA) 150 175 200 225 250 275 I(A) 1/I Distance of peaks from center (Q) 10 MHz 13 MHz 15 MHz 17 MHz 2. 4 1. 9 1. 9 1. 9 2. 0 1. 6 1. 6 1. 5 1. 4 1. 4 1. 4 1. 4 1. 2 1. 3 1. 2 1. 2 1. 1 1. 1 1. 1 1. 0 1. 0 1. 0 1. 0 1. 0 0. 150 6. 667 0. 175 5. 714 0. 200 5. 00 0. 225 4. 44 0. 250 4. 00 0. 275 2. 636 Slope of the graph (= I  · Q) = 0. 282, P = 5, N = 500 r = 7. 7cm,  µ0 = 0. 1 ? 4? ,  µB = 9. 2741 ? 10? 21 , h = 6. 626 ? 10? 27 . v N  µ0 8 2 v B0 = I  ·Q rP 125 v 500 ? . 1 ? 4? 8 2 v ? 0. 282 = 7. 7 ? 5 125 = 4. 657 6 ?0 = 13 MHz 2 1. 8 1. 6 Q 1. 4 1. 2 1 0. 8 3. 5 4 4. 5 5 1/I 5. 5 6 6. 5 7 g = h? 0  µB B 0 6. 626 ? 10? 27 ? 13 ? 106 = 9. 2741 ? 10? 21 4. 657 = 1. 9944 Precautions 1. The direction of the Helmholtz coils should be preferable adjusted so that the ? eld is perpendicular to earth’s magnetic ? eld, which is about 0. 3 Gauss. 2. Setup the experiment at a place free from electric and magnetic ? elds and mechanical disturbances. 3. Y-output from the ESR spectrometer should be through a good shielded cable. 7
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