Thursday, December 26, 2019
Technology and Sustainable Development - 852 Words
Technology and Sustainable Development Political activist George Bernard Shaw once said, â€Å"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.†Unconventional entrepreneurs who are solving some of the world’s most intractable economic, social, and environmental problems are also creating rapidly expanding markets around the world. Because the unreasonable man doesn’t adapt to society, he is always creating innovation and expanding markets. If he simply followed society like the reasonable man, economies and markets would remain stagnant, and current problems would persist. Nothing would improve, and great minds would never be given the opportunity to shine. Therefore, innovation and progress depends on the unreasonable man and his ability to change society’s perception of entrepreneurialism. Richard Jefferson disrupted the way business was done when he saw a need for in formation sharing to benefit the greater good. He played a major role in the open source movement. Jefferson said that biological innovation in agriculture used to be cooperative for hundreds of years, but the recent explosion in the power of science to improve agriculture, medicine, health, and environment came with privatization of this knowledge that was once shared by all. He wanted to relieve restrictions from patents that constrained or hindered development and advancement ofShow MoreRelatedSustainable Development : Developing New Technologies1420 Words  | 6 PagesSustainable Development At the rate humans are living now, the wasteful ways that we live with. This is not sustainable. 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Such interference, first in the domestic policies, and the second in theRead MoreAn Appraisal of Information and Communication Technology (Ict) Resources for Sustainable Poverty Eradication and Development in Nigeria5476 Words  | 22 PagesAN APPRAISAL OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) RESOURCES FOR SUSTAINABLE POVERTY ERADICATION AND DEVELOPMENT IN NIGERIA BY OJEBISI, A. OLUGBENGA Department Of Curriculum and Instruction Studies, Federal College of Education (Sp.), Oyo. E-mail: +234-0-8035624949 An Appraisal of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Resources for Sustainable Poverty Eradication and Development in Nigeria Abstract This paper presents an appraisal ofRead MoreThe Concept Of Sustainable Development Essay1654 Words  | 7 PagesThe concept of sustainable development is generally understood in two similar but differing perspectives. 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Social sustainability in construction- ‘Integrating sustainable development and public health on the island of Ireland’ (Wilde, Jane Boydell, Leslie Rugkà ¥sa, Jorun, 2006) This paper talks about the current policies that both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland practice in terms of sustainable development and health; are they working and if not, how they will be made to work? The paper begins with a quotation published inRead MoreThe Role Of Energy Development Sustainable Development Goals Essay1357 Words  | 6 PagesSUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OFORI KOFI DICKSON – P16196652 MSc. ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT ENERGY IN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS Abstract This report discusses the role of energy in sustainable development goals. The report highlights on the target set by the United Nations and the time-frame given to achieve these targets. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Essay on Comparison of the Lady with the Dog and the Story...
In the story The Lady with the Dog by Chekhov is an obvious love story from the very beginning. It is known that Dmitry is a womanizer but when he first lays his eyes on Anna you can almost feel the smirk on his face of surprised happiness. It was just something a little different that he has never felt before, even though he tries to be somewhat arrogant about it. The story is very emotional and it brings a loveless, stiff marriage on both ends to life. This is nothing special, a loveless marriage seeing as lifeless marriages were very common during this time. The parents of the potential mates usually arraigned marriages and it is made out to be more of a business deal than a loving union between two people. If marriage were not put†¦show more content†¦After all of their diligent attempts to stay faithful to their significant others they decided to do things their way and lived by what they felt and not what they were taught. At the end this story is about two people find ing their soul mate in one another. Anna received her new lease on life by finding something true and honest. By living love with a man and not being forced to love him but feeling it o her own. Now you never really know if Anna leaves her husband or if Dmitry leaves his wife and children but they were able to experience something they might not ever get a chance to again. For them maybe it was worth the lying and sneaking around to be happy if just for that short period of time. In the story The Story of an Hour by Chopin we read that because Mrs. Mallard had a fragile heart, her sister was hesitant in breaking to her the bad news of her husbands death. Unlike most women who find themselves in denial after being told something of this magnitude she instantly became distraught. Once she composed herself she locked herself in her room and would let no one in. She was noticing thing outside of her window that she had never noticed before. Things that we take for granted and only appreciate when we are happy. How could this be if she just found out her husband had died? The scary and ironic thing about this story is that Mrs. Mallard went downstairs to confront her sister againShow MoreRelatedPortrait Of A Lady By Khushwant Singh Chapter Summary CBSE Class XI XII CBSE Class 11 12 Study Materials Homework Help Extra Questions1287 Words  | 6 PagesPHYSICS Thursday, 4 July 2013 Popular Posts Portrait of a Lady by Khushwant Singh - Chapter Summary The Photograph by Shirley Toulson Chapter Summary Short Synopsis A photograph descries 3 stages. In the first stage, the photograph shows the poet s mother standing at the each enjoyi... Story in a Nutshell In this story, Khushwant Singh draws a pen picture of his grand mother. He describes how he had spent his childhood Portrait of a Lady by Khushwant Singh Chapter Summary with her in the villageRead MoreSchool Lunches Government Regulations are Unhealthy for Kids and Schools 1013 Words  | 5 Pageselementary school children and 225 minutes a week for middle- and secondary-school children. (82) Nationally, only 8 percent of elementary schools and 6 percent of middle schools and high schools meet these recommendations. (83)†(French, Kaphingst, and Story). The Lets Move program, which is a part of the Healthy, Hunger-free Kids Act, encourages that kids exercise for 60 minutes a day, but the new regulations must have failed to require that schools give their kids a proper PE class period. This sedentaryRead MoreThe Representation of Females in the Media Essay2715 Words  | 11 Pagesbeing very much influenced by what they see in the media. Specifically this tend to be a very old-fashioned view that woman are delicate, fragile and sweet. 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Lennie is described using animal imagery, for example ‘the way a bear drags his paws’ from this comparison towards a bear we can learn that Lennie is an enormous person with strength of a wild animal, this hints that he may be vilest later on in the book Additionally, animals are used as a foreshadowing device, because we can see that that they areRead MoreShort Stories7213 Words  | 29 PagesMY DATE WITH GRAYBEARD by ROBIN COLLINS When I was a boy in Natal, South Africa, the farmers of the district organised a hunt each year in the Umzimkulu valley, using a hundred native beaters and their dogs. A variety of wildlife finds refuge in the valleyâ€â€monkeys, baboons and an occasional leopardâ€â€but the creature most sought after is the wily gray bushbuck. With his speed and cunning, his ferocity when wounded or cornered, he is a quarry worthy of any hunter’s gun. There was one buckRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s The Tragedy Of Macbeth2482 Words  | 10 Pagesthe most celebrated writers of the world and the brightest star in the history of literature, William Shakespeare, utilizes his ink to portray the complicity on of human through his works, with numerous of comedies and tragic dramas, using various story backgrounds, Shakespeare is able to catch the most unique gist of human beings. For example, In his drama The Tragedy of Macbeth, his love towards the beauty of humanity expressed through the multidimensional characters of Macbeth. By illustrating
Monday, December 9, 2019
The Unredeemed Captive Essay Example For Students
The Unredeemed Captive Essay Some are born literary mastermind. some achieve literary mastermind. and some have literary success push upon them. As for John Demos in his book. ‘The Unredeemed Captive’ seems to be the blend of the last two classs. Through this book. Demos takes you to the 18ThursdayCentury. to explicate the tension-ridden and violence-prone confrontation between three communities ( sections of a society ) . They are the puritan colonists of New England. the Roman-Catholic French of New France ( presently parts of Canada ) and the Native Americans. It was a curious type of confrontation fought for several types’ opportunisms. The struggles. where faith. civilization. race and territorial involvements are involved. The narrative takes barbarian bends and the reading earnestly affects the emotions of the readers! The contents of composing are a mixture of fact and fiction. The book has great historical significance. The mentioned communities so did non believe in peaceable dialogues to settle the ‘border differences. ’ They fought for territorial additions and the boundary lines continued to switch and relocate. The mini-Hitlers were out to set up their moral and racial high quality. The carnal inclinations in them surfaced Forth and they did non waver to capture ( kidnap ) immature misss belonging to the enemy cantonment. as war trophies. finally for their sexual satisfaction. John Demos is a Yale History Professor. His primary purposes and attempts in this book are to supply an nonsubjective analysis of the brushs between the mentioned ‘groups’ . He has drawn upon the experiences of one household to accomplish the aim in position. It is the John Williams household. Williams is a puritan curate. The household was captured in 1704 in their Massachusetts place by a group of Frenchmen and Native Americans. They were marched away to Canada. Of the seven members of the household his married woman died en-route. Williams and four kids were released subsequently. his girl Eunice became a convert ( forced transition? ) to Catholicism to get married a Native American. Desperate efforts were made by the household for the return of Eunice to Massachusetts. but she came for short visits merely to return back. till her decease at the age of 95. The arresting and heart-rending portion of the narrative is that of Eunice. Remember. she was merely 7 when she was capturedâ€â€what values did her capturers defend by tormenting the head of an guiltless miss kid? Religious rules? Cultural traditions? Racial high quality? Human values? Such individuals deserve to be the progeny of the Satan. She was converted to Catholicism and married off at the age of 16. for which the culprits of such a offense can confront terrible penalty in the present times. Probably that was the age when male/female married as per the societal imposts predominating so. Well. she spent the remainder of her life. but what might be the thought-currents circling and tormenting her head within? Her 88 old ages of soundless agony is hard for the printed pages to capture. the most sensitive and inventive author will non be able to examine the interior beds of her head. If person is able to make proper research on this head. it can every bit good uncover the history of the century to which she belonged in the right position. Her life is a great illustration of the acrimonious fruits of cross-cultural bloody brushs. It is the saga of the culprits of the anguish and those who were tortured. That God and fates were frequently quoted to warrant the cruel occurrence shows the macabre and sadistic mentality of the groups involved in those struggles. It was an unfastened exhibition of carnal inclinations. by the two-legged Satans .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82 , .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82 .postImageUrl , .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82 , .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82:hover , .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82:visited , .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82:active { border:0!important; } .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82:active , .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82 .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uea8e5b08d4589728493f6995442a9d82:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: According to Geldard EssayThe Unredeemed Captive is a consistently researched history by John Demos. To screen through the 300 twelvemonth old information ( the subsequently 1600s ) and do out a factual. historically relevant narrative is a skilled occupation. Demos has done justness to his occupation as the Professor of History. He knows the necessities of the history. the demands of a research pupil of history. The research pages do do a slow reading. and that is no mistake of the writer. The narrations subdivisions are rather absorbing. Basically. this book is written by a history adult male for the history people In the present times besides. people live perilously in the boundary line countries of a state. particularly when the neighbours are unfriendly. This is the state of affairs when civilisation has made promotion and there are international Torahs for protection. Guess. what would hold been the conditions 300 old ages ago. when might was right and jungle Torahs prevailed? John Demos describes good. with authorization and cogent evidence. the dangers of life on the American frontiers in the early yearss of settling America. when the boundary lines shifted invariably. A tough topic has been chosen for the book and the country covered is huge. One can non anticipate the book to do a good reading from page 1 to page 336. The first five chapters are really exciting ; the winging start is the high spot of the book. The narrative and the incidents related to the household of John Williams are interesting and touching. The remainder of the book is about facts. imposts and traditions. One needs to do attempts to prolong the involvement as for this part of the book. But overall. the book is no retarding force. Finally. the of import points of the book: The clang of civilizations of the diverse communities is good depicted. Through the personal calamity of a household. the political narrative of an epoch has been told. The doomed function of the faith is described good. Eunice’s rejection of her ain household is a cryptic psychological play. But Demos shows the balanced attack in composing this portion of the narrative. and does non fault entirely any party involved in the struggles. Mentions Cited: Demos. John. Book: The Unredeemed Captive. Publisher: Vintage ; Reprint edition ( March 28. 1995 ) ISBN-10: 0679759611 ISBN-13: 978-0679759614
Monday, December 2, 2019
Taoism Essays (1978 words) - Taoism, Tao, Laozi, Wu Wei,
Taoism Throughout history, Taoism has been one of the most influential religions of Eastern culture. This is certainly one of the most unique of all religions. Many Taoists, in fact, do not even consider it a religion; and in many ways it is not. Taoists make no claim that the Tao exists.1 That is what essentially separates Taoism from the rest of the world religions: there is no heated debate or battle over Taoist doctrine; there have been no crusades to spread the religion. The very essence of Taoism is quite the opposite. Taoism's uniqueness and open-endedness have allowed the religion to flourish almost undisturbed and unchanged for over two thousand years. The founder of Taoism was a man named Lao Tzu, who lived around the year 604 B.C.E. According to Chinese legend, Lao Tzu was an archivist in the imperial library at Lo Yang was known for his knowledge, although he never taught.2 When Lao Tzu left his position at the library, he went to the Chinese province of Chou. At the border, however, he was stopped and forced to write down his teachings. During this time, he wrote the Tao Te Ching, the major scripture of Taoism.3 After Lao Tzu's death, a man named Yang Chu (440-366 B.C.E.) took up his teachings.4 A naturalist and philosopher, Yang Chu believed highly in self-regard and survival as the core of human nature and direction. His ideals were personal integrity and self-protection, and said that he was unwilling to pluck one hair from his head even if all humanity were to benefit from it.5 The next influential Taoist philosopher was Chang Tzu, who lived from 350-275 B.C.E. He defined existence using Lao Tzu's teachings.6 He wrote fifty-two books in response to the Tao Te Ching, thirty-three of which still survive today.7 Using exaggeration and fantasy, he illustrated Lao Tzu's teachings and how the Tao acted in nature. His theories spoke of a cosmic unity which encompasses all reality and guides it naturally, without force, to its proper end.8 The Yin and Yang theory became part of Taoist philosophy around 300 B.C.E. when they were mentioned in the Hsi tz'u, an appendix to the I Ching.9 Yin and Yang are defined as the two forces in nature. They are often called the two "breaths" or ch'i.10 Yin is the feminine principle, representing darkness, coolness, and dampness; Yang is the masculine principle, representing brightness, warmth, and dryness.11 Neither principle is good or bad; they are not opposites, but each is needed to maintain stability in the universe.12 This belief holds that everything is defined through opposition; consequently, the virtues of balance and understanding are highly valued.13 Taoism became an official religion between 100 and 200 C.E.14 Due to competition from Buddhism, Taoists adopted many Buddhist beliefs. During this pivotal point in the religion's history, searching for self-knowledge and wisdom were replaced by searching for solutions to sorrows and other physical problems.15 Alchemy and superstition became highly popular during this period of time, as Taoists tried to escape reality rather than to control the artificial and unnatural. Many Taoists used magic and the concept of Tao to try to extend the physical life rather than to focus on the afterlife.16 Gradually the religion becomes more complicated, with a wide pantheon of gods and a ruling hierarchy.17 The leader Chang Ling took the title "Heavenly Teacher" in 200 C.E. He created a dynasty of high priests who manipulated Taoism to support a superstitious doctrine of magic and mysticism.18 Seizing higher power as a religious leader, he pioneered a merging of Taoism and Zoroastrianism into a system called Five Bushels of Rice Taoism. Eventually this developed into a society based on Mazdaism, a Zoroastrian sect, where every believer was charged five bushels of rice.19 Although the believers followed the basic Zoroastrian worship format, they worshipped different gods: the Tao instead of Ahura-Mazda, and the various Chinese folk gods in place of the Persian Angels.20 Three hundred years later, the philosopher Honen moved away from Mazdaism and combined Taoism with Buddhism. This simplified religion he created became known as the Pure Land School, or Amidaism. Gradually, however, Taoism again became tied to magic, and it failed as a religion.21 Today, only its original philosophies survive and there are very few followers of Taoism, mostly found in Taiwan.22 Although Taoism's religious practices deteriorated with advancing Western influence, its philosophical aspects have outlasted those of Confucianism and Zen Buddhism.23 For centuries, Taoism has been known as the Way of Harmony.24 This is because Taoists believe that the Tao leads all nature toward a natural balance. The Tao, however, is not considered to be
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