Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Predicting healthpromoting lifestyles in the workplace Essay
Foreseeing healthpromoting ways of life in the work environment - Essay Example Pender's Health Promotion Model is in an exceptional situation to distinguish people who are in danger for sicknesses in work environment and to actualize family-arranged way of life varieties that advance wellbeing at work environment. Nola J. Pender's wellbeing advancement model has four sizes: clinical wellbeing, job execution wellbeing, versatile wellbeing, and eudemonistic wellbeing. The model has built up an instrument, Laffrey's Health Conception Scale that limits these develops. Singular observations and changing variables impact individuals at work place in their requirement for acquiring data and settling on resulting choices with respect to wellbeing advancement exercises (Pender, pp 13-15). Pender grouped workers, unfit to think about them as a segment of a dependent consideration framework. Wellbeing advancement at work environment must concentrate on the parental figures and family just as the people. In the act of wellbeing nursing, the attendant helps out the individual and the parental figure to assess the current condition of wellbeing, decide shared wellbeing objectives, and perceive the information and abilities important to develop self-care and wellbeing advancement exercises. Pender (1988) evaluated wellbeing highlights of more seasoned grown-ups in examination with youthful and moderately aged grown-ups.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Learning Theology Essay
In Learning Theology with the Church Fathers, Christopher Hall talks about the doctrinal convictions of the early Christian pioneers while Christianity was in its youngster condition of improvement. Quite a bit of what is talked about by Hill in his book is the standard for what the convictions regarding the matter will be all through the church’s history. The themes in Hill’s book are significant in light of the fact that the congregation father’s discoveries concern these issues sets up the church’s convictions on these doctrinal points. Hill’s approach in his book is to take a subject that was exceptionally challenged in the life of the early church and tail a couple of the significant driving experts regarding the matter from the timeframe. An advantage to taking a gander at the subject along these lines shows what the unmistakable thinking about the day was and on the off chance that it despite everything identifies with Christians today. The main significant subject that the book delivers is to portray the characteristics of God. Slope takes a gander at the different parts of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Inside talking about the pieces of the Holy Trinity, Hill shows the different reasoning the early church had concerning the three, what every one of their jobs are, and examines how every one of the three had uniformity together without either being subordinate to another. The subsequent subject tended to by Hill is that of God’s collaboration with people. Slope clarifies the lessons concerning man’s sin and how the congregation fathers comprehended God’s pardoning toward man. Slope likewise talks about man as being imparted with God’s goodness. Man’s normal intuition isn't set on doing what is characteristically acceptable, yet it is inside God’s imparted beauty that God’s best for man is put inside himself (Hill, 130). Slope likewise writes in conversation of God’s fortune to man as being adoring, extraordinary and savvy. The third topic Hill examines are those things that are straightforwardly relatable to Christians in their relations with God. These things comprise of the Christian’s connection to the sacred texts, the biblical established church, and a Christian’s restored body and unceasing life. Slope additionally talks about the early church father’s rational theology to the scripture’s authority and how the sacred writings were His ideal blessing given through His ideal information (Hill, 209). Slope additionally examines the contrasting jobs of the congregation and what the individuals public jobs are and the varying musings on discipline. One of the most significant themes talked about by Hill is that of the qualities of the Holy Spirit. The conversation that was occurring during the fourth century was what is the Holy Spirit and what job does it play in the character of God? Many accepted that the three people of God were not triumvirate but rather really three distinct Gods making Christianity polytheistic. Basil the Great’s compositions regarding the matter is the point of convergence of Hill’s conversation. Basil’s compositions tended to the variable disarrays that encompassed the Holy Spirit. The subjects Hill features from Basil is that of the Holy Spirits balance with the Father and the Son. One point that Hill singles out which offers confidence to a Holy Trinity is that the contention for contrasting degrees of intensity in the Holy Trinity isn't doubtful. Slope battles that individuals can't understand the connection between the three since they every one of the three transient time and age, along these lines making it unthinkable for man to offer position to one over another (Hill, 105). This is sane contention in such a case that something rises above time and age, does another being rise above reality more? To have this qualification is anything but a pretty much contention however a yes or no contention in characterizing a deity’s self to which Hill talks about well. Another positive from Hill’s book is the clarification of the Holy Spirit and the depiction of the awesome network that is the Holy Trinity. In the event that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are not three distinct divine beings, what is the reason for their being three separate creatures? Slope inspects this by giving every one of the three distinct jobs in the activities of the world. Slope characterizes the Father as the maker, the Son and the initiator, and the Holy Spirit as the perfecter (Hill, 115). This comprehension of the Holy Trinity shows how the three are not isolated yet how each are unified with various jobs in managing man. Slope likewise clarifies that neither one of the entities usurps the other’s errands, yet stay isolated in their jobs demonstrating that nor is better than different substances. This is a valuable qualification since it comprehends the working of the Holy Trinity and how it identifies with man. At the point when those assignments are realized man has a superior gratefulness for each piece of the Holy Trinity and respect can be given to the each piece of the divinity including the Holy Spirit (Hill, 118). The subject of man’s connection to God is another very much laid out conversation. Slope tends to the subject of man’s sins in a manner that clarifies how it was dangerous for the congregation fathers. Following the composition of Irenaeus, Hill examines the issue of man’s goodness. The conversation during the hour of Irenaeus was whether man was normally acceptable or was goodness embedded in man by God? Hill’s end in the end is man’s sin nature is common before his change and after his transformation God presents a feeling of goodness through His affection in man. God’s redemptive soul is given to man and reflected through the activities of man (Hill, 130). Hill’s clarification that the congregation fathers didn't think man normally great is sensible in such a case that man is normally acceptable then their is no reason for salvation. However while it is said human instinct is without acceptable, man is as yet given a decision and in some cases settles on the ethical choice. A restricted measure of time was given to clarify how God permits man to settle on his own decisions. Slope says that God gives the decision to man to choose however doesn't completely clarify why man at times conflicts with his temperament to settle on moral choices. On the whole, Hill works superbly on clarifying the congregation father’s thinking concerning the arrangement of early church tenet. His depiction of their compositions enables the peruser to comprehend the issues that prodded their religious philosophy and the substance of their messages. Learning Theology with the Church Fathers gives a decent summation of how Christian convictions came to arrangement and who the authors were that God used to outline early Christianity’s convention. Book reference Slope, Christopher. Learning Theology with the Church Fathers. Killjoys Grove: IVP Academy, 2002.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Academic Advisors, AKA Your New Best Friend
Academic Advisors, AKA Your New Best Friend Here’s a true story from my freshman year: As an admitted student to Illinois, you usually register for classes late spring in your senior year of high school. Such was the case for me. This meant I had my class schedule set for at least a few months before the semester started. Except I, in all my infinite wisdom, decided that I needed to change my schedule two days before first day of classes…without consulting anyone. I changed classes and altered the time for another. For those keeping track at home, that’s four out of five classes altered. It was a total panic move, and an attempt to “gain control†in a situation which I felt (for whatever reason) was decided for me. Later, in October of the same semester, I met with my academic advisor and she told me I had already completed my foreign language requirement. There was no need for me to take the (deceptively challenging) Italian 102 class I panic signed up for. However, because it was already mid to late October, I couldn’t drop the class. Obviously, I’m not proud of this story. And, undoubtedly, most of you might think “this kid’s crazy, there’s no way I would do something like that. I hope that’s true, but just in case, here goes: You need to meet with your academic advisor at least once a semester. I made it my rule after the freshman year debacle, and it has served me well ever since. Your advisor is your friend. Want to graduate a semester early? Your advisor knows how to do that. Want to know what gen-ed classes to take when you have options? Your advisor can provide info on what might serve your situation best. Want to study abroad and need to schedule classes accordingly? Your advisor can do that. And then some. Business Undegraduate Affairs, where I meet with my advisor at least once a semester. Meeting with my advisor gave me peace of mind. I don’t have to worry about what classes I need to take anymore. I know what my GPA needs to be for study abroad. And, I know that if things go wrong I have someone who can help. I have had all of my classes planned out and ready to go for over a year now. It’s not a brag, it’s what happened when I told my advisor what I wanted to major and minor in. She walked me through it in about 15 minutes. One 15 minute conversation figured out the next five semesters of my academic life. Even Geico can’t beat that. Talk soon. Steven Class of 2019 I’m from New Canaan, Connecticut. I'm studying Management Entrepreneurship in the Gies College of Business and Political Science in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Vaccines and Development of Autism - 1735 Words
Within the past two decades, it has been rumored that the mercury content in commonly-recommended vaccines is responsible for the development of autism in young children. The rumor has caused many parents to deny their children the acceptance of vaccines such as the one given to prevent measles, mumps, and rubella. Despite the fact that scientific research has conclusively disproved the claims made against immunization, many new parents are choosing to raise their infants naturally, that is, without injecting foreign substances into the childrens developing bodies.The new age ideals of the anti-vaccine community seem like a desirable approach to raising a healthy child, however, the lack of immunization in the younger population is causing outbreaks of harmful diseases that had previously been eliminated from our first world society. In order to understand how vaccines work, it is necessary to first understand what a vaccine is. Most vaccines are inactivated, i.e. dead, forms of viruses that are generally injected into the body; because the virus is not active, there is no chance of contracting the illness it was derived from. What this injection does is introduce the immune system to the virus so that the body will already know how to fight against it if an activated, or live, version of it should ever enter the body. As the National Institutes of Health describes it, vaccines take advantage of your bodys natural ability to learn how to combat many disease-causingShow MoreRelatedA Link Between Vaccines And The Development Of Autism1452 Words  | 6 Pagesgreatest medical advancements of our time. The first vaccine was created in 1796 and many more have been created since. These deadly diseases such as smallpox, polio, and diphtheria are now being prevented. Since vaccines have been doing their job, we do not see them around anymore. The media is now displaying vaccines in a negative way and people are listening to the misconstrued knowledge. Parents are worried about the risks associated with the vaccines instead of the diseases they are preventing. TheyRead MoreAutism Is A Fast Growing Disorder1699 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction: Autism is a fast growing disorder in the United States, the symptoms start occurring in between the ages of 2 to 3 years old. The cause of this epidemic has remained unknown, but several hypotheses have been studied. Throughout those couple of years, children get as many as 32 shots at least (â€Å"Child and Adolescent Schedule†). Parents all over the world have came to concern that vaccines can develop autism. Many studies have came about through this year with vaccines causing Autism in childrenRead MoreThe Effects Of Autism On Children With Early Signs Of Autism1517 Words  | 7 Pages For years there has been many speculations conveying that some vaccines, particularly Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) causes signs of autism. Many compelling concerns have been formulated from parents of children who received vaccines and associated noticeable changes in their children with early signs of autism. Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the behaviour and co gnition of children (Quinn, 2014). Autism impairs communication, interest and repetitive patterns of behaviourRead MoreVaccines And Its Effect On Health Care1163 Words  | 5 Pages The introduction of vaccines has been a great advancement in the world of medicine. This ground- breaking discovery has a tremendous effect on health care by putting an end to diseases that might otherwise be untreatable. Diseases such as typhoid, whooping cough, and polio which threaten many countries worldwide are now preventable after the discovery of the vaccine. Although the development of vaccines has led to the prevention of deadly illnesses, there has been may controversy based on whetherRead MoreVaccines And Immunizations On Children And Their Development952 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Vaccines are harmful to children they cause Autism, allergies, and death.†We have all heard someone say gruesome things about Vaccines and Immunizations, but what is the truth? In my research I have fou nd that vaccines and immunizations can cause harmful effects on children and their development, but I have also gathered that they can cause a safer environment. Immunizations and vaccines are two different things, which is very misunderstood making parents stop vaccinations and immunizations toRead MoreVaccinations For Common Illnesses And Disease Essay1660 Words  | 7 Pagesvaccination came about when the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella vaccines were all combined (Cave 54). After the release of this new vaccination, the number of kids being diagnosed with autism rose tremendously. Some people were very interested in this sudden spike of autistic children and decided to follow up on it. Many studies were done to see if there was any correlation between the MMR vaccination and the increasing diagnosis of children with autism. Some findings contradict one another. What I believeRead MoreThe Role Of Environmental Factors On The Development Of Autism1074 Words  | 5 PagesFocusing on the role of environmental factors in the development of autism after birth is a popular study amongst the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) community. It is known that genetics strongly influence the risk for developing ASD, but genetics are not responsible alone. The increasing cases of autism have generated great interest in the potential involvement of toxins in our environment and how that impacts children prone to autism spectrum disorder. For example, exposure to the chemicals thalidomideRead MoreThe Anti Vaccine Movement1426 Words  | 6 Pagesdebunking. The anti-vaccine movement can credit its recent increase in successfully spreading fears that vaccines, and particularly either the MMR vaccine (mumps, measles, and rubella) or the vaccine preservative thimerosal, are linked to autism. The claim that the MMR vaccine causes autism is not backed by any scientific evidence and therefore should not be believed. Autism is a developmental disability that is caused by differences in how the brain functions. People with autism may communicate, interactRead MoreVaccination Of Children And Children1730 Words  | 7 Pagesimmune system autistic kids have they would be catching every disease possible. Autism is a condition typified by abnormal qualitative development of social interactions, communication and imagination, with restricted and repetitive interests and activities (Edward Purssell RGN, RSCN, PhD of the University of London). What causes autism? Many parents like to say that the vaccination MMR has caused their child to have autism later in life. Purssell and other authors and doctors have done countless researchRead MoreThe Controversial Link Between Vaccinations And Autism1248 Words  | 5 PagesPosition Paper: The Controversial Link Between Vaccinations and Autism. (4-6 pages) Preventative care is an important cornerstone in pediatrics. It is important and necessary for adult and children’s health. Vaccinations have been a part of this preventative care that doctors insist parents on doing for their children. Marotz (2015) emphasize that the concept of preventative health helps reduce or eliminate factors that threaten a persons’ wellness. Marotz (2015) even suggest that on a personal
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
It in Costa Rica - 1036 Words
Costa Rica Costa Rica is a peaceful Central American country fronting both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. It has almost 4 million residents, a stable democratic government, no army, and is host to Central America s largest hi-tech community, including the Latin American Headquarters of Microsoft and one of Intel s most modern chip fabrication plants. Many major US high-tech corporations maintain offices or branches in Costa Rica including IBM, Oracle, Dell, Apple, Compaq, Cisco, and others. Literacy (nearly 95%), English language and computer usage are the highest in Latin America. Costa Rica has the highest United Nations Human Development Index among all developing countries. With the abolishment of the army in 1948, the†¦show more content†¦The number of Internet users in the region could increase to 34 million in the year 2000, and it is estimated that e-commerce transactions in Latin America could reach $240 million in 1999 and $525 million in 2000. The typical Latin American Internet user is a 26-year-old, middle-class man who has used the Internet for less than a year and whose favorite site for doing Web searches is Yahoo. At least, that is the conclusion of a study conducted by the advertising agency Nazca Saatchi Saatchi Inc. The age of the average user shows that more young people are getting online in the region, since the average age in 1997 was 31 years old. Recent studies have also indicated that the Internet is becoming more accessible to middle- and lower-class people. Latin American Web surfers prefer Web sites that provide information about music, local news, chat services, information about computers and information about art and culture. After Yahoo, the most popular search sites are AltaVista, Cade, Radar UOL, StarMedia, Infoseek, Lycos and Excite. Most respondents log on from home (53 percent), followed by work (31 percent). Most people (54 percent) use the Internet every day, 20 percent five or six days per week and 26 percent four days or less per week. The average weekly use is 11 hours. Twenty-seven percent of respondents said their sessions last between 31 minutes and 60 minutes, and 23 percent said their sessions last between 61 minutes and 90Show MoreRelatedCosta Rica945 Words  | 4 PagesCosta Rica, a country of Central America, covers an area of 19,730 square miles. The capital is San Josà ©. Extending from northwest to southeast, Costa Rica is bounded on the north by Nicaragua, along its 185-mile northeastern coastline by the Caribbean Sea, on the southeast by Panama, and along its 630-mile southwestern coastline by the Pacific Ocean. br brCosta Rica has a narrow Pacific coastal region that rises abruptly into central highlands. The highlands, forming the rugged backbone ofRead More Costa Rica Essay1076 Words  | 5 PagesCosta Rica      Costa Rica is a Central American republic located north of Panama and possessing two seacoasts (Pacific-west, Caribbean east). The capital and largest city, San Jose, is located in the central mountain valley. Costa Rica is notable among many Latin American countries for its long-standing democratic form of government. Costa Rica is well known for their hydroelectric plants and agricultural goods. I.     Government: 1)     Capital: San Jose 2)     Country: Costa Rica 3)     ThereRead MoreThe Xenophobia Of Costa Rica1890 Words  | 8 PagesThe Xenophobia of Nicaraguans in Costa Rica Introduction Migrant labor is omnipresent in global supply chains that seek labor at a reduced cost. It is of no surprise that migrant labor is being used in coffee cooperatives and plantations in Costa Rica. When visiting Costa Rica we were able to visit numerous coffee plantations. Most of these plantations used migrant labor from Nicaragua, Panama, the regional indigenous population of the Guaymi, and even local Costa Ricans. The focus of this reportRead MoreCosta Rica Essay1117 Words  | 5 PagesCosta Rica Known for its natural beauty and gracious people is a small country located in Central America. Located between the countries of Nicaragua and Panama, bordered by both the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea is a true gem, the Republic of Costa Rica. Located ten degrees north of the equator Costa Rica is in the tropics and even though it is a small country it has a very diverse landscape and a variety of weather as well. One unusual aspect of Costa Rica is that the country has no armyRead More Costa Rica Essay1076 Words  | 5 Pages Costa Rica nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Known for it’s natural beauty and gracious people is a small country located in Central America. Located between the countries of Nicaragua and Panama, bordered by both the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea is a true gem, the Republic of Costa Rica. Located ten degrees north of the equator Costa Rica is in the tropics and even though it is a small country it has a very diverse landscape and a variety of weather as well. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;One unusualRead More Costa Rica Essay900 Words  | 4 Pages Costa Rica, a country of Central America, covers an area of 19,730 square miles. The capital is San Josà ©. Extending from northwest to southeast, Costa Rica is bounded on the north by Nicaragua, along its 185-mile northeastern coastline by the Caribbean Sea, on the southeast by Panama, and along its 630-mile southwestern coastline by the Pacific Ocean. Costa Rica has a narrow Pacific coastal region that rises abruptly into central highlands. The highlands, forming the rugged backbone of the countryRead MoreThe Culture Of The And Costa Rica1650 Words  | 7 Pagesleaders in how business is conducted to the appeal we wear and how our dietary needs are met. Belize and Costa Rica are two examples of the creative balancing act needed to understand the past to use the knowledge for making the informal decision, such as on cultural issues, environmental, religion choices, language, and economic development. Spanish explorers imprint has been left in Belize and Costa Rica throughout each infrastructure, religion and demographic. However, the first to establish a legacyRead MoreMexico And Costa Rica Essay1201 Words  | 5 Pagesin the first U.S. Congress established under the Articles of Confederation, though the idea was later rejected at the Constitutional meeting because a number of the founding fathers thought it made the group we ak. The constitutions of Mexico and Costa Rica apply short term limits on both their legislators and presidents, even though the president of the United States is limited to two terms in office, as well as most state governors. These limit laws that have provoked the fiercest debate and hadRead MoreThe Influential Example Of Costa Rica973 Words  | 4 PagesBranding: The Influential example of Costa Rica (Essential Costa Rica) Nation Branding is a tool that helps to measure, build and manage the reputation of a country. Essential Costa Rica is the country’s brand; it tries to â€Å"sell†and promote Costa Rica as a high tech industry and innovative country, it showcases the nation ´s advanced export capacity as well as its leadership in protecting natural resources and promoting sustainable development. Essential Costa Rica aims to promote the country as a destinationRead MoreCosta Rica The Little Country908 Words  | 4 PagesYou could call Costa Rica the little country that could, at least in terms of health care. Over the past seventy years the government has enacted reforms that have changed the face of both the health care system and health of a country. The Costa Rica health system is dedicated to providing equitable access to citizens, while protecting them from financial risk. The improvement this middle-income country has made over the past few decades rivals that of higher-income countries. However, while
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Product Analysis on Gillettes’s Razors Free Essays
Gillette is leading worldwide home applicants, such as razor, battery, electronic and manual toothbrush, manufacturing company. On April 14, 1998, the company introduced the world†s first triple blades razor and begun to sell July 1, 1998 in the United States and September in the Western Europe. Since Gillette launched new razor in 1998, the company expected high returns in short-term; however, the result of the new product has been defined yet. We will write a custom essay sample on Product Analysis on Gillettes’s Razors or any similar topic only for you Order Now The areas of the internal factors are Finance, Management, Manufacturing, Market position, Personnel, and Research Development. All these factors can be defined as either strengths or weakness or both. First of all, the company as a whole gained net sales amount of 10. 1 billion dollars and net income of 1. 4 billion dollars for the 1997 due to acquire leading battery company â€Å"Duracel†in 1996 and grow of â€Å"Sensor Excel†razor. As a result, company could spend 1 billion dollars to invent â€Å"Mach 3†which is triple blades razor. Even though Gillette had sufficient fund to invent the new product, the company took high risk of financial side that if the new product†s sale does not reach to company†s expectation, the company will face shortage of capital resources and can be lead to bankruptcy. But if Mach3 turn out to be a New Coke or McDonald†s Arch Deluxe – much-hyped new products that were mostly duds and fizzle- the gloom will be heavy from Gillette†s corporate headquarters in Boston†s Back Bay to the South Boston factory that Gillette has overhauled to produce 600 million Mach3 blade cartridges per year, or about half of Gillette†s annual target of 1. billion Mach3 blades. (Boston Globe, 4/15/98) Since Gillette introduced â€Å"Mach3†in April, the company changed its manufacturing tools to produce Mach3 South Boston’s factory. Gillette already spent 300 million dollars for advertising and promotion worldwide for the year that company introduced new product. The amount is twice as much as the company put for advertising â€Å"Sensor Excel†in 1989. Gillette released the new product to retail stores on July 1, 1998, and starts to advertise on TV and the other media six weeks later; however, many people went to the company’s web site to look at the new product. Even though company spent tremendous amount of fund for the advertising, some people from Asia did not recognize the product according to our group’s survey. For customers, there are satisfaction and complaints for Mach3. People, who satisfied with Mach3 according to our survey, said there are less irritation and faster shaving time. Customers who complaint about Mach3 argue that they do not want to spend more money on better outlook. According to our survey, one hundred percent of surveyees, who does not satisfy with Mach3, say the price is too high for the product. Price is relatively higher than other products including â€Å"Sensor Excel†which was the most expensive one before â€Å"Mach3†³ came out. Its price is 6. 99 dollars per razor with one blade included – currently, the company is selling for 7. 29 dollars per Mach3. It is 4 percents increased from original price, and 40 percents higher price than other products. This may lead to decrease in sales and the company†s total revenue. The company is trying to reach customers several different ways. Gillette offers Mach3 package product, which included Mach3 itself and couple of extra razors, Shaving cream and deodorant. This package product makes each items†unit price lower than sell separately. Also, the company offers sweepstakes on the company’s web site, and there is no obligation. This is the one of the finest ways to reach and get involve the customers. The company give chance to people to win prize without any obligation; however, people will recognize the product automatically. Also, Gillette can acquire the Since Gillette is well-known global company, many retail stores are not offended to carry the company’s product even though the product’s price is high. Retail stores are assume that Mach3 will bring more customers. On the other hand, even more customers come to store, it is unpredictable for increasing store†s sales revenue because price is too high so that consumers would not buy. External factors are Competitive, Economic, and Social. Gillette†s major rival in the market is Shick. Since Gillette is the first company produce triple blades razor, the company will lead the market; however, rival company such as Shick will develop the same product with higher quality or lower price. Then the result will be unforeseen unless Gillette improve Mach3†³s weakness – â€Å"high price†. For long time in the United States, people†s income has been growing. As a result, customers purchasing power also increased. However, the company†s market is not only the United States but also overseas, in fact, over sixty percents of sales are made from overseas. Consequently, the company has to consider the facts that poor countries†consumers are willing to use cheaper product; especially the countries in economic crisis. There are 3 target groups in the market. The first group is disposal razor users that it’s approximately more than half of the market. The advantages of this group are cleaner, cheaper and easy to use. On the other hand, it is less quality than other two razors. The second group is regular razor such as Mach3 about 40 percents. The last group is electronic shaver users which it takes remaining market share. The customers who use the electronic shaver satisfied with high technology, easy to use, saving time and safety compare to the other two products. The disadvantages of this product are high price and less cleanness when one shaves. The goal of Gillette is trying to acquire customers who use disposal and electronic shaver to Mach3. In order to persuade the customers to change to Mach3, the company should beat other product’s weaknesses and add the improved the weakness of the other product to Mach3 and decreases of its weakness. Mach3 has several strengths; the first impression is fancy outlook that makes customers feel differentiated from other products. Second of all, men are challengers, always pursue new trend; especially on the tangible items with high technology. Although Mach3 has several strengths, it also has weaknesses. High price makes people think twice to purchase Mach3; the older generation of the Gillette razor is cheaper than Mach3, that makes people wonder if it is necessary to spend more money on the Mach3. The key purpose for Mach3 is to shave beard, but the older generation is also doing same job as Mach3; that makes no different between older and newer product. The next weakness is the advertisement. Gillette has spent 300 million dollars on the advertisement, but we did the survey with at least thirty people; 22 out of 30 surveyees know the brand from Television and magazine, but they have never uses it. This means the advertisement has preached the good news, but it has not reach people’s life. The majority of men do not know why they should spend more money to buy same result. The marketing strategy did not fail the sale of the Mach3, it is price controller. The main point of the marketing is to opening a market for product. Since 73% of the men from the survey know the product, this mean the marketing strategy succeed its intention. The biggest mistake we found is the price. As I mentioned, â€Å"the majority of men do not know why they should spend more money to buy same result†. I would recommend to the company, to lower the price and match the same price as older generation. Let public buys Mach3 as the same price as older generation, allow public to try out differences between Mach3 and older generation. After when market demand of the Mach3 is higher than older generation, then increases its price. How to cite Product Analysis on Gillettes’s Razors, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Child Pornography Essay Research Paper Child PornographyPornography free essay sample
Child Pornography Essay, Research Paper Child Pornography Pornography is a serious issue that will neer be ignored or dismissed. Concentrating straight with kid erotica. Pornography, viewed by an grownup is a pill exciting the head, bring oning sexual arousement and pleasance, but when a kid positions erotica, an affect of societal behaviour starts. This kid non merely represents him or herself in the universe, but besides represents the universe? s young person wholly. Often erotica is the first exposure kids have to sexually explicit capable affair, so it can put the criterion for normal or appropriate sexual behaviour. Teenage male childs are the biggest consumers of erotica. Adolescents wear? T merely expression they learn from erotica. The usage of sexual media is clearly associated with sexually aggressive behaviour. Some believe that it can do dependence or compulsive sexual behaviour, and about all believe that it facilitates, maintains or reinforces it. We will write a custom essay sample on Child Pornography Essay Research Paper Child PornographyPornography or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is peculiarly true if the erotica is eliciting, if it is coupled with mastu rbation and subsequent climax. About a twosome of months ago, I by chance caught my younger brother watched a porn film. When he found out that I saw him seeing the film he instantly changed the topic and raced out of the room in seconds. He was clearly afraid of speaking to me about sex and alternatively his interested spark toward porn picture. Childs today are turning up whose earliest sexual forming derives non from a life human being but from phantasies of their ain. From the deficiency of cognition and adulthood, kids use erotica literature and illustrations to learn them how gender truly is. It is difficult for a kid to come Forth and seek the replies from their parents. When a kid? s involvement in aimed toward sex instruction, the easiest solution to acquisition is to seek a beginning that will inform the most and with the lease moral opposition. Twenty-nine per centum of male childs rated erotica over parents, instructors, and books, school and equals as their beginning for the most utile information about sex.
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Communism Downfall Essays - Eastern Bloc, Revolutions, West Germany
Communism Downfall The shocking fall of communism in Eastern and Central Europe in the late eighties was remarkable for both its rapidity and its scope. The specifics of communism's demise varied among nations, but similarities in both the causes and the effects of these revolutions were quite similar. As well, all of the nations involved shared the common goals of implementing democratic systems of government and moving to market economies. In each of these nations, the communist regimes in power were forced to transfer that power to radically different institutions than they were accustomed to. Democracy had been spreading throughout the world for the preceding two decades, but with a very important difference. While previous political transitions had seen similar circumstances, the actual events in question had generally occurred individually. In Europe, on the other hand, the shift from communism was taking place in a different context altogether. The peoples involved were not looking to affect a narrow set of policy reforms; indeed, what was at stake was a hyper-radical shift from the long-held communist ideology to a western blueprint for governmental and economic policy development. The problem inherent in this type of monumental change is that, according to Ulrich K. Preuss, "In almost all the East and Central European countries, the collapse of authoritarian communist rule has released national, ethnic, religious and cultural conflicts which can not be solved by purely economic policies" (47). While tremendous changes are evident in both the governmental and economic arenas in Europe, these changes cannot be assumed to always be "mutually reinforcing" (Preuss 47). Generally it has been theorized that the most successful manner of addressing these many difficulties is the drafting of a constitution. But what is clear is the unsatisfactory ability of a constitution to remedy the problems of nationalism and ethnic differences. Preuss notes that when the constitutional state gained favor in North America, it was founded on the principle of the unitary state; it was not designed to address the lack of national identity which is found throughout Europe - and which is counter to the concept of the constitutional state (48). "Measured in terms of socioeconomic modernization," writes Helga A. Welsh, "Central and Eastern European countries had reached a level that was considered conducive to the emergence of pluralistic policies" (19). It seemed that the sole reason the downfall of communism, as it were, took so long was the veto power of the Soviet Union. According to theories of modernization, the higher the levels of socioeconomic achievement, the greater the pressure for open competition and, ultimately, democracy. As such, the nations in Eastern and Central Europe were seen as "anomalies in socioeconomically highly-developed countries where particularly intellectual power resources have become widespread" (Welsh 19). Due to their longtime adherence to communist policies, these nations faced great difficulty in making the transition to a pluralist system as well as a market economy. According to Preuss, these problems were threefold: The genuine economic devastations wrought by the communist regimes, the transformation of the social and economic classes of the command economy into the social and economic lasses of a capitalist economy and, finally, the creation of a constitutional structure for political entities that lack the undisputed integrity of a nation state (48). With such problems as these to contend with in re- engineering their entire economic and political systems, the people of East Germany seemed to be in a particularly enviable position. Economically, they were poised to unite with one of the richest countries, having one of the strongest economies, in the entire world. In the competition for foreign investment, such an alliance gave the late German Democratic Republic a seemingly insurmountable lead over other nations. In regards to the political aspects of unification, it effectively left a Germany with no national or ethnic minorities, as well as having undisputed boundaries. As well, there was no need to create a constitution (although many of the pitfalls of constitution- building would have been easily-avoided due to the advantages Germany had), because the leaders of the GDR had joined the Federal Republic by accession and, accordingly, allowed its Basic Law to be extended over their territory. For all the good that seemed to be imminent as a result of unification, many problems also arose regarding the political transformation that Germany was undergoing. Among these problems were the following: the tensions between the Basic Law's simultaneous commitments to supranational integration and to the German nation state, the relationship between the nation and the constitution as two different modes of political integration and the issue of so- called "backward justice" (Preuss
Saturday, March 7, 2020
The Case for Rand Paul for President in 2020
The Case for Rand Paul for President in 2020 Though Rand Pauls bid for the Presidency in 2016 ended after the Iowa Caucuses, he has an opportunity to rebound in 2020. Rand Paul is the libertarian-conservative son of former Texas congressman Ron Paul who retains great appeal as an outsider candidate, the type of candidate that has been successful in Republican primaries in recent years. In his 2010 run for the US Senate, Pauls primary opponent was a hand-picked ally of US Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. Though his name helped him become a US Senator, Rand Paul would have to prove himself in the years that would follow. By 2016, Paul had even managed to become a strong ally of Mitch McConnell, proving that outsiders and insiders can work together. Seizing on an Opening In the first two years of his political career, Paul was not viewed as a major player in the political world. Fellow rising stars Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey and Senator Marco Rubio of Florida received most of the attention and press and played a larger role in Mitt Romneys presidential campaign. Christie was the early favorite of the more entrenched and moderate politicians and voters, while Rubio was well-liked by everyone, but a clear favorite of the Tea Party. And then something happened: Rand Paul filibustered a nominee to bring attention to the federal governments droning program. Pauls numbers shot up immediately, and he was now gaining an audience. His libertarian-leanings made him a natural spokesperson to promote abolishing the IRS during the tea party targeting scandal and as a privacy advocate during the NSA surveillance scandal. As the Obama administration agreed to intervene in worn-torn Syria - in which that intervention could possibly once again lead to arming terrorist-supporting forces - Pauls opposition was sound. In 2013, nearly every breaking story was starting to play perfectly into Pauls political realm as Rubios ill-advised enforcement-free immigration push led to a quick erosion of conservative support. A Libertarian-Conservative Platform A Rand Paul candidacy could possibly shake up the field like no other candidate outside of, say, Sarah Palin. Paul would likely be the most fierce advocate for federalism and limited government. His states right approach on issues ranging from gay marriage to marijuana legalization is one in which the grassroots of the Republican Party is rushing to following years of being let down by big government Republicanism. Paul would be less prone to agreeing to big government programs out of fear of being attacked by the media. He would also likely have the least interventionist foreign policy of all the candidates. Foreign policy is an area where the Republican party desperately needs to have an honest talk about the United States proper role. After 8 years of what is turning into one foreign policy disaster after the next, 2016 may be the perfect time to have that debate. Too often, Republicans seem too afraid to just say not to supporting interventionist policies. The debate is needed. While Paul leans very libertarian overall, he is not a socially-liberal libertarian. He is very pro-life and has stood up for life. If anyone can make the argument that you dont have to hold Christian beliefs to realize that a life is a life, Paul might be that guy. On Economic policy, he is good on taxes, subsidies, and opposing crony capitalism. He is a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment. He joined fellow tea party star Ted Cruz in opposing the Rubio immigration plan. Does Paul have flaws? Of course. But he is firmly entrenched on the liberty and freedom side of the GOP, perhaps more-so than any other potential candidate. Electability Which brings us to the most important question: is Rand Paul electable? While Paul became a viable US Senate candidate mostly because of who is father was, he is in many ways very different than his father. His father was never taken seriously by most observers. Whether it was his larger-than-reality personality or some of the positions he took (and the way he explained them), Ron Paul was just never a mainstream kind of candidate. Rand Paul is different on many levels. Paul is more measured in his approach. He is naturally gifted in debating points that most conservatives wouldnt touch. He knows how to pick his battles and knows how to not step into a trap. As a politician, Rand Paul is proving to be vastly superior to his father. His appeal can also be broad. He is now a grassroots conservative favorite, though he lost the battle of outsider to both Donald Trump and Ted Cruz in 2016. He has had some trouble convincing the more interventionist crowd on his foreign policy, and would need to work on that portion of his platform before launching another bid. His argument does have some appeal: We are tired of funding nations run by people who hate us; We are tired of arming rebels who wind up being more extreme than the people we wanted overthrown, and then get attacked with our own weapons. Obama ran on change in foreign policy and has been no less interventionist or check-write happy than any of his predecessors. Rand Paul needs to find the right balance on foreign policy that both adheres to his beliefs and exhibits strength and resolve when necessary. Then there is the youth factor. In 2012, Mitt Romney won with people over 30, but overwhelmingly lost the 29-and-under crowd. While Ron Paul did not have broad support, he did have a lot of support with younger people. Rand Paul has positioned himself against both the Obama Administration and entrenched Republicans like John McCain on the governments US citizen data-mining programs. Paul even threatened a class-action lawsuit with the American people over that surveillance. His libertarian and hands off view of government can actually appeal to the age brackets that overwhelmingly supported Obama, and who have gradually become disenchanted with the direction he has taken. Rand Pauls electability is enhanced because he might have the best chance of persuading the age bracket the GOP does worst with.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 17
Interview - Essay Example He would for instance ask ‘So yesterday, what happened?’ to leave the interviewee with the luxury of choosing from a possible broad range of responses. Describe the interviewer’s approach to the body of the interview. Did they use a highly scheduled/structured, moderately scheduled/structured, or non-scheduled/non-structured body? See Chapter 8 textbook Based on the types of questions emanating from the interviewer, it is apparent that the he decided to use an unstructured approach in the main body of the interview. This is especially so when he persistently asks open-ended questions based on the responses he receives from the interviewee. The interviewer acclimatized both the audiences and the interviewee to the tone of the interview by officially introducing the interviewee by his official title while extending an official greeting. This confirmed the authority of the interviewee and the significance of the questions that followed. The interviewee chose a rather conservative posture by sitting upright with hands on the laps. This signified submission to the interviewer and readiness to tackle any questions that would arise during the interview. The interviewee used head gestures like nodding to imply approval of whatever matter was in question. Although there were instances of open-ended questions, most of the questions asked by the interviewer were closed, often demanding an approval or denial in matters of national importance. For instance, the interviewer asked the interviewee the following question. "Do you know among you, Obama, and Bush, who had the highest tax receipts of all three of you? Do you know? Describe the interviewer’s approach to the body of the interview. Did they use a highly scheduled/structured, moderately scheduled/structured, or non-scheduled/non-structured body? See Chapter 8 textbook The interviewer used a moderately structured approach in the interview by
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Designing Continuous Auditing for a Highly Automated Procure-to-Pay Article
Designing Continuous Auditing for a Highly Automated Procure-to-Pay Process - Article Example f a continuous monitoring system also helps auditors to carry out an independent monitoring and enables them to carry out audit tasks on a continuous basis. There have been changes in business and auditing, which prompts auditors to make use of continuous monitoring system and continuous auditing. The changes in auditing environment have made auditors make use of graphic modeling in auditing financial statements, and this calls for the implementation of continuous auditing and monitoring system (Borthick, 2012). The procure to pay process is a very complex automated process which requires a continuous automated monitoring in order to effectively audit the process, the internal and external control, as well as all other financial records of any company that uses this process. However, it is not certain that the implementation of continuous monitoring system will help the auditors to effectively and efficiently carry out their auditing tasks. This is because implementing a continuous monitoring system on the procure-to pay process presents some impediments to the auditors (Borthick, 2012). Divergence by business practices where they divert from the original system as employees devise workarounds in order to meet exigencies may become an obstruction to the auditors. When employees diverge from the original system, companies end up changing the entire system in order to enable the system to support the employees work. This means that the auditing process will always be subject to continuing system enhancement and this can be a huge challenge for the auditors (Borthick, 2012). It is also true that the reliance on the system development life cycle that is warranted for the operation of system controls can create huge problems to the auditors. In some companies, the continuous monitoring is always based on the assumption that price looks up for pallets by each day are correct in all aspects (Borthick, 2012). This assumption is tenuous given the interaction of changes
Monday, January 27, 2020
My English Language Journey English Language Essay
My English Language Journey English Language Essay My first experience of learning the English language was challenging, demanding, interesting and satisfying. My education in English began at home with my parents communicating with me in English. While my mother was a full time homemaker (housewife), my father was a banker. Since my mother spent most of her time at home, I was able to learn English language more from my mother. My father on the other hand, was the sole bread winner of our family. Nevertheless, whatever time he could muster from his busy schedules, he devoted that to teaching me the English language. This was indeed an advantage for me as I was able to learn the English language from them through our conversations and by listening to the words they spoke to me. Therefore, both my parents were responsible for imparting the education of English language to me. Accordingly, I consider it as a blessing to be born and raised in an English educated family. My first experience at learning English at school After going through one of the best cycles of childhood development, my first baby steps to school started at the age of 5 when I joined the kindergarten. Kindergarten was an entirely new experience for me because of the change in the environment. Also, this was the first time when I was away from my parents. As a result, though I was a bit hesitant initially, but soon I started interacting with new kids of my age. My experience of learning the English language at kindergarten was different than learning English at home because I was exposed to new and sophisticated learning tools. These new education methods included alphabets, writing and image recognition. I remembered that my teacher taught me alphabets at school by showing me a list of alphabets on a piece of cardboard and pronouncing each letter in the list of alphabets. The teacher would then instruct us to read the alphabets aloud by following her pronunciation. After doing that the teacher would then test our memory retentio n by telling us to independently read the alphabets, first in sequence and then in random fashion. The sequence method would be from A to Z and the random method would be any alphabet that the teacher pointed to us. Besides gaining exposure to alphabets, I also learnt new words through image recognition techniques at the kindergarten. I still remember looking at an image of a duck that my teacher pointed to me. Thereafter, she told me to repeat the word duck based on the image shown. In fact I found that learning words through image was easier than listening because of the strength and power of visual characteristic. Moreover, my teacher also taught me to write alphabets and words by looking at the existing alphabets and words taught during the classroom discussion and written in the study guide. Besides, the English language education at the kindergarten was fun and enjoyable with learning through alphabets-memory games. My primary school experience At the age of 7, I entered a new phase of erudition when I joined a primary school. Again this was an altogether new and unparalleled experience for me. As a primary school student, I was taken to a new level of knowledge in learning English. During my primary classes 1 and 2, I remember writing short simple texts such as stories and poems. One of the stories that I wrote was the shoe maker and the Alps. I wrote this story based on the original book story of the shoe maker and the Alps. I truly enjoyed the experience of this challenging task of rewriting and creating the story in my own words. Another interesting challenge in this story writing task was that the number of words required was limited to 150 only. This made me test my mental faculties and write a compelling and believable story within the limited words. These were certainly the best formative years in my learning of the English language. Learning higher rules of English Upon completing my primary school education, I joined the secondary school at the age of 13. It is imperative to mention that at the secondary school and during my form 1, 2 and 3, I had learnt how to ask and answer questions. In addition, I had also learnt to read a variety of different texts. Moreover, I remember when I was in 4th grade, my teacher taught us English with mock spelling tests. So I always memorized various new words and their spellings. This habit inculcated by my teacher in 4th continued for the future too. Furthermore, at a later stage, I began learning fundamental concepts and rules of English grammar. I have gained a fairly good understanding of the usage of an before a vowel. As I moved up to primary classes, 3, 4 and 6, I learnt how to use interesting expressions to write short stories and poems persuasively. Apart from this, I was also exposed to learning higher rules of grammar that are more advanced than the ones in primary classes 1 and 2. I must mention th at my English reading and speaking skills were tested during this time. Moreover, I found that this level of education in English language helped me to improve my reading as well as analytical skills for answering questions. I could see myself growing with confidence in replying to questions in English. With this level of education in English, I was progressing with my interpersonal skills too. Books, Conversations and Films: Valuable for learning English My parents and teachers instilled in me the habit of reading a lot of books. As a result of reading more books, I was able to enhance my vocabulary with each passing day. Furthermore, I was inculcating and developing different writing skills such as articles, composition, dialogue and summaries. When I was in form 4 and 5, I had to analyze situations and find appropriate counter responses. This involved a lot of research, analysis and brainstorming which eventually stimulated me to become more analytical. In addition, one of my most important English learning activities has been conversation. I made friends in class and we spoke about a lot of things at length. The experience of conversing on diverse topics has been very precious to me as it inspired me to improve my communication skills in English. Another of my most enjoyable English language learning experiences has been watching TV. Watching English films helped me a lot to improve my pronunciation, accent and speech in English. Besides, English news channels such as CNN and BBC have been very useful in building the foundation of my English language. Overall, I learnt the nuances of sentence construction, sentence structure, syntax, parentheses and much more through my English language education so far. For the most part, learning English language has been an interesting and a challenging journey for me owing to all the cycles that I have gone through to achieve a certain level of proficiency in English. I have also come to a conclusion that the method of teaching will vary depending on the age factor. I deem that while children will enjoy when learning is fun, the more mature English learners will focus more on self development. Whatever the means and methods be, I believe a learner is always eager to learn English. With English as a tool by my side, I can surely aim to reach the high echelons of my education and career.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The iMac: An Apple innovation Essay -- essays research papers fc
The iMac: An Apple innovation Apple was definitely â€Å"thinking different†when it created the new addition to the Macintosh family, the iMac. It’s creative design and refreshing departure from the computer industry standard of boring beige boxes is gaining this marvel many optimistic reviews. This new personal computer, which is pronounced eye-Mac –the â€Å"i†stands for Internet, combines the computer and the monitor in one unit making it, in effect, an updated version of the original one-piece Macintosh. That makes the iMac ideal for people who want to conserve desk space. The iMac looks different: The iMac is housed in a translucent, two-tone plastic case that is aqua and white. Apple’s industrial designers describe the colors as Bondi Blue and Ice. The iMac’s chief industrial designer, a New Zealander, said the diaphanous blue-green color reminded him of the water off Bondi Beach near Sydney, Australia. Although Apple executives first discouraged speculation about alternative color schemes for the iMac, the company later succumbed to the popular demand by adding four new â€Å"flavors†, grape, lime tangerine, and strawberry. The mouse, the keyboard and even the power cable are translucent, too. The mouse is esthetically pleasing to the eye, but its slippery hockey puck shape has ergonomists shaking their heads. The iMac’s mouse is perfectly round and 3 inches in diameter by 1 inch thick, compared with Apple’s standard 4-inch-by-2  ½-inch mouse. Because its shape and size make it ...
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Mcdonald’s vs Burger King Essay
Let’s look at fast food restaurants. When you hear someone say, â€Å"Let’s go to McDonalds or Burger King,†what comes to mind would you consider the Big Mac or a Whopper? Think of how many calories that goes into each one. When you look at the Big Mac your calorie count is, â€Å"540 with 29 grams of fat and 45 grams of carbohydrates. †The Whopper shows, â€Å"670 calories, 39 grams of fat and 51 grams of carbohydrates. †(www. associatedcontent. com) So which is healthier, McDonald’s wins this one. Less calories in the Big Mac than the Whopper even though Burger King promotes flame broil is better and much healthier. When walking in the restaurants of McDonald’s you get the since of not welcomed until it is your turn to order. Looking around the place, it is clean yet not many people stay to eat there. One or two people will sit and chat for a while before leaving and making their order. One thing is true about McDonald’s, if they mess up your order while you are still there, they will make it correctly and bring it to your table nice and hot no matter what it was you ordered. Now for Burger King, when you enter their door the cashier says â€Å"Welcome to Burger King, can I take your order,†this research has been done in several restaurants in the area. Once you have placed your order you are given a number and a cup to fill your drink, by the time you are done filling your drink you food is ready to go. Looking around the restaurant there are a number of patrons sitting eating laughing and joking around with one another so the atmosphere is a warm and inviting one. McDonald’s seems to be more of a get it and go type of place and Burger King was sit for a while and chat. The goals of each restaurant are simple. The customer is first, satisfaction is a must. We all know that it’s not as simple as it sounds. Let’s compare the two, at Burger King’s customers are greeted with a smile when you walk in, when a customer places an order they have a choice of dining in or take it to go. The customer is given an option to say, â€Å"I will dine in or take it to go,†this shows they are given customers a choice of what they want to do. McDonald’s on the other hand, satisfaction is number one also, but you’re not greeted with a smile, sometimes it seems that the cashiers don’t want to work there or they just seem so tired. When placing an order the customer have to wait for at least five minutes before it is ready. Not so good in the fast food world of service, but satisfaction is what they are striving to have. They both share the same goals but one is more of an over all than the other. McDonald’s have a goal of satisfying their customers at 100% but they sometimes fail at making this goal work. How does the public differ in the choices of McDonald’s over Burger King? For one which taste better, which has better quality, would the customer prefer flame broiled over fried. Take a taste test first, McDonald’s signature burger the Big Mac; as the commercial says, â€Å"Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickle and onions on a sesame seed bun. †When the customer orders it in the restaurant, it is in fact, much smaller compared to the advertisement suggest. When doing this research, two out of five people got what they really wanted; the other three had to ask for more sauce and less lettuce. When the order was received, it was sloppy, sauce on the sides of the bun and not on the burger. The taste was satisfactory but if you present something that isn’t prepared right the taste falls short. Burger King’s signature burger the Whopper; â€Å"Beef patty, sesame seed bun, mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato, pickles, ketchup, sliced onions, flamed broiled on a sesame seed bun. †Research shows out of the five customers that were tested at Burger King, each customer got exactly what they ordered and was satisfied with the taste of the meal. One even asked for an extra slice of cheese. Burger King satisfied more customers in the area of taste. Which has better quality of food? This falls very hard when thinking about both restaurants. McDonald’s and Burger King have in fact, had good quality but one out shines the other. As it was stated before McDonald’s Big Mac was served sloppy that was not quality service. In terms of Burger King, the customers were very satisfied with the quality of food and service that they received. Looking at the companies goals is a major difference. Let’s take the Mc Donald’s organization, one hundred percent customer satisfaction. When looking at this goal, it’s not always reachable. When this goal is not met, they will do what ever it takes to fix the problem. The next goal that puts them at a higher standard than other competitors, it’s founded on giving back to the community with the Ronald Mc Donald House and Ronald McDonald Children’s Charities. In each restaurant and drive thru there’s a donation box so money can be placed into helping the charities. So many times there have been full boxes of money given. Over the years McDonald’s has given millions of dollars back to communities in an effort to help children in need of care. Burger King was founded in 1953, the worlds #2 hamburger chain since McDonald’s. All of the burgers cooked at Burger King are prepared by grilling over flamed fire. When looking at how the structure works for them, Burger King doesn’t advertise their products like most competitors. There is no way Burger King can produce more sales than McDonald’s due to their marketing strategy which puts them at a disadvantage with McDonald’s. Where they can improve on this, they can do more advertisement of their products and open more chains around the world. Burger King does offer its â€Å"own in house charitable organizations†and programs which is the â€Å"Have It Your Way Foundation,†which is also a â€Å"US based non-profit corporation to alleviate hunger and disease prevention. (http://en. wikipedia. org) However Burger King also offers Scholarship Programs for millions of high school children across the United States which is in the memory of the co-founder James W. McLamore. This year alone they have awarded more than $1. 4 million in scholarship funds to 1,258 students and they also have four new awards that they give out but the major scholarships includes one King $25,000 and three James W. McLamore Whopper scholarship $50,000. (Burger King Corporation) The interaction with the public for both restaurants is very different. When walking in the restaurant the employees are very busy taking orders. The sense of urgency is upon them to get the food out fast and perfect. Once the order is placed, there is no time to talk however at Burger King, while waiting on your order the manager has time to chit chat with you. Managers make sure that the environment is warm and inviting. The employees that are cleaning around the tables and chairs make sure that they do notice you. There have been times where the employee asks if they could get something more or a refill. This is what customer service should be like. McDonald’s, on the other hand, there is no sense of warmth. Maybe one person may look your way and ask is everything’s alright, but that’s as far as the conversation will go. At both restaurants there is a difference between the employee and manager. They both have different shirts and tags. Sometimes though it could be hard to tell the difference because if you go to the restaurant late at night it’s more lax than the day time hours where you will have employees and mangers playing around but still doing their jobs. One other thing that these companies do, they do hire the less fortunate, meaning people with disabilities. Both companies start with their signature logo and end with their logo, major difference McDonald’s only takes the order. Sometimes it’s hard to understand what is being said over the pa and the order may get mixed up but there is time when getting to the window to fix it. Not all the time at McDonald’s does the employee have the food ready so the customer is asked to pull over and food will be brought out to them? On one occasion, while waiting for the order as the minutes passed by, no order was delivered. The customer had to go into the restaurant to get the order and it was still not what the customer ordered. One would wonder how many times this has happen in the past. Is drive thru really fast and easy? Thinking it may be better to order inside so the order can be done properly. Burger King Employees smile when taking and giving the orders. Even in the drive thru, the smile can be heard over the pa when placing an order. If a customer has to wait on their order thru the drive thru, they are asked to pull around the front and someone will be out with the order. It is never long that you will have to wait maybe two minutes at the most and the food is hot when it is received. There are healthy choices on the both menus, but do customers often choose the healthy choice? Not always. Looking at the choices of the menus: In some states McDonald’s is required to show the calorie count for the customers. On their boxes that the food comes in, there is also a calorie count that the customer can look at and see just how many calories is listed for the choice that was made for the order.
Friday, January 3, 2020
The Social Sustainability Of Design - 2119 Words
Sustainability, a common vocab being used in design industry nowadays. It is mean to design something with a well consideration of improve environment, people and economic, which has become the fundamental aspect when comes to initiate the design thinking. According to Oxford Institute for sustainable development, the tools to measure and construct sustainable urban development are prejudicial focus on environmental and economic aspects. Most of the time, ecological and economical sustainability are well concerned but Social sustainable, which merely shown or mentioned on any press or architect’s forum. This essay will talk about the social sustainability in design, by defining the social sustainability in design, the key elements of the†¦show more content†¦Which eventually discourage designer put in effort to considerate the social aspect during design thinking, the word â€Å"social sustainability†were being treated as ideological thought in design until r ecent years, the attention of social consideration in several industry has become mainstream. To giving a definition for social sustainability, Oxford Institute for sustainable development claim that social sustainability is to taking care of individual, societies and communities live together as a whole and start to achieve the ideal developments for themselves, and also look into the relationship between the particular territory of themselves and the planet. In Practical way, Social Sustainability start arises by taking action to extend the social aspect of individuals and societies, which include capacity and skill developments to environmental and spatial inequalities. Which also include the traditional social policy aspects and principles, for instances, the equity of human rights and health, as well as human needs, social capital, economy, living environment, the consideration of happiness, wellbeing and the quality of life. Beside that, from the point of view of The Young Foundation, social sustainability is a way to promote wellbeing and
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